
Miami and next steps

Dec 01, 2021 16:21

After looking at the costs of hotels in Miami this weekend, and looking at the costs of flights out of Miami this weekend, i decided to book a flight to Panama. You only live once ( Read more... )

travel, american dream, raving

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amw December 1 2021, 22:21:35 UTC
I'd like to think i'd be pretty good on a boat! I know how to be serious and focused when the situation calls for it, but i am also pretty easy-going and relaxed. I am sure there are skippers out there who would be a good fit, but i think the trick is just getting on the first one or two voyages. Once you have some miles under your belt you can start applying for competent crew or paid positions, which appear to be a bit more focused on making challenging ocean crossings and keeping everyone safe over having some kind of eye candy or idle conversation partner while living on the hook.


carriea31 December 1 2021, 22:19:58 UTC

It's good to have a plan!! Sounds like fun. I'm glad you didn't go on the place where they want your just sounds potentially...uh....icky.


amw December 1 2021, 22:33:16 UTC
Sadly there's no choice! There are several websites that people use to find crews (and potential crewmembers use to find boats) and filling in your profile means selecting a gender, which then becomes a filter people can use to search.

In my brief time using these websites, it's pretty clear that there is a certain type of yacht or sailboat owner who seeks out young, beautiful women to come "crew" on his boat. Whether they end up having sex i'm not sure, but there's definitely a titillation aspect to it... and i suspect the women who do it use that to their advantage to get "free" rides around some of the more beautiful parts of the world. I'm sure it isn't the majority of cruisers who are like this, but it's probably disproportionately represented on these kinds of websites - in the amateur/recreational sections at least. Although working a paid yacht job i imagine that the hostesses are expected to be young and sexy too.

Perhaps it would be better to find a spot on a boat owned by a liveaboard couple.


siglinde99 December 1 2021, 22:41:08 UTC
I haven’t been to Panama in many years, but I liked what I saw. There are places I would love to visit if I ever get back there again.


amw December 2 2021, 13:41:28 UTC
Can you remember any off-hand? This is the first time i am going to a country that i don't specifically have anything there i want to see, i'm really only going because they had a cheap flight and allow vaccinated people in without a test and quarantine.


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olamina December 2 2021, 00:21:16 UTC

I had the same experience when I tried to install Uber 10 years ago and never tried again. I have Lyft and feel bad about it but also backed into a corner because I am a woman in a city and it gets me to and from the clubs safely


amw December 2 2021, 13:43:50 UTC
I think i have always been (apparently) lucky enough to live in towns where there are actual taxis still driving around on the streets so you can just hail one, or worst case call and wait. I've never found myself stranded in a town before where there aren't any taxis driving around. Felt like being in the middle of nowhere.


olamina December 2 2021, 22:57:47 UTC

The place where techno clubs are in NYC now is super industrial. The one I go to most (Nowadays) is just a strip of warehouses and auto shops where no taxi would venture. But anyway, the old days of taxis just circling is dead. Uber and Lyft killed them.


amw December 7 2021, 13:38:27 UTC
I always found it part of the ritual of going to a club or a rave that after the gig there would either be a bunch of taxis out front who got a hot tip that people needed rides, or there would be a long line of people all battling to flag a taxi and share rides in the same direction. I suppose smartphone apps have made this more efficient for both the riders and the drivers, but i just wish each city had their own local one instead of all the money funneling into Silicon Valley and wealthy investors.


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