
trigger warning: clothes

Jul 15, 2018 11:23

Dear lord, i woke up to something nightmarish. It was not a declaration of war, or a natural disaster, or even just a cockroach crawling over my naked body (happened last week, welcome to the sub-tropics)... it was a picture of a school uniform posted by benicek. Which, actually, was a charming picture. But somebody made an idle comment that "wouldn't it ( Read more... )

anxiety, clothes

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Comments 4

benicek July 15 2018, 11:06:02 UTC
What have I done to you? Hahaha.

I sympathise. I've achieved that size of belly which basically does not fit any kind of formal clothing. I dread any occasion which demands proper shirts and trousers. Luckily I work in hospital scrubs. As for shoes, fuck! I have to get them made-to-measure. £1200 for proper orthopaedic ones. Nothing made in a factory will ever fit me.


meowmensteen July 15 2018, 19:22:49 UTC
I get my ribbed cotton tanks from Target. I have no idea if you can order those where you live.


amw July 16 2018, 01:01:58 UTC
Thank you for this!! Unfortunately there is no Target in China, but just knowing that these kinds of shirts still exist brings me hope. Since Old Navy canceled their line and I couldn't find any in H&M, Uniqlo etc, I thought they had just become unfashionable.


meowmensteen July 16 2018, 01:16:06 UTC
I wonder if they have them at Walmart? I've seen a few china vlogers showing off Walmarts in china. Here I found some with patterns haha and here's one that has more of a wide strap/sleeve. The funny thing is that I've never been in a Walmart.


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