
sober justice warrior

Apr 25, 2018 01:07

Why did i do it again? Did i do it because i'm an alcoholic? Am i that fucking weak ( Read more... )

i am durnk, alcoholism, clothes

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Comments 5

loveshanny April 25 2018, 00:36:13 UTC
Yeah that's some bullshit. I'm with you.


amw April 30 2018, 14:11:31 UTC
The worst part was when they tried to say they had no choice - it was their moral duty as men to point out to their women when their clothing might invite unwanted attention. I was like... um... How do you even respond to that?


loveshanny May 3 2018, 09:20:54 UTC
Yeah I wouldn't really know what to say to that. Especially because you work with them. You don't want to like cause a "issue" with the people you work with. That's defiantly a hard issue to deal with.


benicek April 25 2018, 18:47:36 UTC
Aw shit, conservative expats in China haven't changed much since I was a kid then.


amw April 30 2018, 14:25:09 UTC
Even though I've been dealing with it almost a year now, it still surprises me. It totally busts this popular myth that well-traveled people are automatically more open-minded.


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