
This morning i shaved my legs.

Apr 01, 2018 11:11

Pithy thought of the day: is it a sign you are working too much when you type your work password into your home computer?

Long thought of the day: this morning i saw a post from my oldest friend, jenndolari, saying that today is (or possibly yesterday was?) Trans Visibility Day. I'm not entirely sure what that entails because i have next to no interaction ( Read more... )

gender, looking back, crazy

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Comments 3

belleweather April 1 2018, 03:20:28 UTC
I am a cis woman with wiry but pale body hair, and had never thought about whether it should be softer until someone mentioned putting conditioner on their pubic hair. (Don't try this. It plays merry hell with the natural pH of your crotch, regardless of what manner of genitals happen to dwell there) No one but me notices if I shave or not, but I still do it because the sensation of my leg hair being tugged about by my pants is off-putting to me. Since this is literally the stupidest and most self-serving reason in the universe, I've decided its philosophically kosher.


amw April 1 2018, 11:50:23 UTC
Thanks for the warning on the pubic hair conditioning, because i'd never thought of that and it sounded like a fun thing to try. I did use some kind of "lady bits soap" (not sure what its official name is) for a few years - it was soft like baby shampoo! - but eventually i stopped.

I find myself shaving just along my panty line fairly regularly for exactly the reason you name. I rarely bother with the rest of my leg, though, i guess my pants are less tuggy than yours 😄


fflo April 1 2018, 17:03:40 UTC
O for an opt-out on the whole gender thing. At least it's now an idea that's out there in the world, and not just in my head, heart, soul.


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