Hey, those usernames.

Sep 22, 2010 12:47

[ only doing this for some journals, definitely not all -- too many ]


✓Captain Jack Harkness (Torchwood) ☈ stolethename = Jack stole the name of a man who died recently in World War II as a conman. I think this one is pretty obvious for him.

✓Captain Jack Harkness (Torchwood) ☈ ofboeshane = Jack was called the "Face of Boe[shane]" because of his appearance in his youth. And he is from Boeshane, so, ofboeshane seemed to fit.

✓Captain Jack Harkness (Torchwood) ☈ sparklycaptain = Twiwood. Captain + Sparkly vampire = Sparkly Captain. ..I have no explanation.

✓Dom Cobb (Inception) ☈ nevertoppling = The Top that never topples~

✓Dom Cobb [young] (Inception) ☈ onceanarchitect = He used to be an architect.

✓Shibuya Yuuri (Kyou Kara Maou) ☈ rlynotawimp = Wolfram (affectionately) constantly calls Yuuri a "wimp" which he insists he is not.

✓Shibuya Yuuri (Kyou Kara Maou) ☈ not_a_wimp = Read above.

✓Shibuya Yuuri (Kyou Kara Maou) ☈ borninjuly = Conrad named him, and named him for the month he was born in - July.

✓Hope Estheim (Final Fantasy XIII) ☈ fornora = Nora is his mother's name. Hope constantly fights for her and because of her. So I'd say the root of his problems AND his strength is Nora. This is also the name of the organization that Snow ran NORA. And they would say that things were "for NORA" so this i a play on that as well.

✓Rygdea (Final Fantasy XIII) ☈ mercifulkill = SPOILERS. Rygdea shots Cid in the head as the final request of Cid. This is a merciful kill for him.

✓Jeff Winger (Community) ☈ ihateglee = "I hate Glee, I don't understand the appeal."

✓Reno (Final Fantasy VII) ☈ fthedresscode = Reno does not abide by the dresscode, ever.

✓Muraki Kazutaka (Yami no Matsuei) ☈ silverslaughter = I went with his hair and what he does. This one isn't ~that~ creative.

✓Sylar (Heroes) ☈ transpositional = Transpose = transfer. That makes sense in my head okay. (I played him terribly, but his username was cool :>)

✓Luke Campbell (Heroes) ☈ humanmicrowave = Because his power is a microwave.

✓Zach (Heroes) ☈ omgclaireomg = In one of the first episodes when he sees Claire jump off and records it. He goes "oh my god, Claire, oh my god".

✓Nathan Petrelli (Heroes) ☈ unluckypolitics = I think this pretty much describes his life.

✓Adam Monroe (Heroes) ☈ becomeashes = Spoiler about his death.

✓Spock (Star Trek) ☈ so_logical = Because it describes him. We were doing matching names, me, Kirk, and Bones It was so_illogical, and so_adoctor. IIRC.

✓Italy (Hetalia) ☈ waveswhiteflag = Italy, in canon often surrenders or has to have his ass saved. And he often waves a white flag.

✓Switzerland (Hetalia) ☈ gottashootemall = Switzerland, in canon is a gun obsessed dude. Also, during World War II - they shot down every plane - whether Axis or Allies.

✓Russia (Hetalia) ☈ rednation = This is a call back to Communism. Yep. Even though the Nation isn't Communist anymore. It is a strong association still.

✓Brian Moser (Dexter) ☈ icybrother = Ice Truck Killer. Dexter's brother. Etc...

✓Dexter Morgan (Dexter) ☈ familymanbyday = Family man by day, serial killer by night.

✓Bruce Wayne (Batman) ☈ itiswhatido = It isn't who I am, it is what I do that counts.

✓Bruce Wayne (Batman) ☈ chiroptophobia = I can't believe I got this name, but it is a fear of bats. And...that is why he chose to be Batman.

✓Sasori (Naruto) ☈ suppositional = To suppose is real. Sasori is not. Physically at least.

✓Giovanni (DOGS) ☈ justafckingdog = Collared. Loyal to only Einstellsehn. He's like a dog.

✓Giovanni (DOGS) ☈ achtundsechzig = It means 68 in German. Yup.

✓Wonderwice (Bleach) ☈ smallarrancar = He's an Arrancar, and he's small. (The smallest, actually). I have a lot of Wice usernames similar to this or purity.

✓Wonderwice (Bleach) ☈ wonderfulwhite = Wonderfully White is the meaning of his name (Wonderweiss).


✓Whit Drumheller ☈ equivocalsmile = Whit is kind of an unreadable guy. it's hard to tell what he thinks or means by his smile. Equivocal means ambiguous.

✓Lucio Berea ☈ bymymind = He has psychokinesis. So - everything is by his mind.

✓Agalio Berea ☈ timidkinsis = From a family of those with powers like telekinesis/psychokinesis, pyrokinesis...etc. He doesn't. He's a mind reader. But I played off the genetics of what he should have been - and how he behaves.

✓Seikyo Yaiko ☈ recidivating = To return to previous behavior. Seikyo has a habit of going back to his old ways.

✓Alexander Demian | Qaphsiel ☈ zeusohobic = (Who needs a new PB) Zeusophobic is a fear of gods. 'nuff said.

✓Thylas ☈ meiresthai = "To Receive One's Share"; This is the Original Bastard Thylas. He's Karma. Completely.

✓Tastarias ☈ enjoyshavoc = Describes her. She's the "nature" to Thylas's Karma.

✓Thylas ☈ stylelessthylas = LMAO Ruthi came up with this one. He's styleless. And his name is Thylas. And it rhymes and sounds fun to say. XD

✓Gioco ☈ itseemsreal = He's an android and he once said, when told nothing he had was real, was that "it seems real"

✓Nier Latiolais ☈ nearlymad = I was going to do nierlymad, but. Yeah. Anyway.

✓Fischer Procrastination ☈ isneverlate = He's the "Temporal Professor" and he manipulates time. Thus - he is never late.

✓J. Eison Wilkins ☈ inotherseyes = He has no sight of his ow, however, he has the ability to see when he makes a physical or vocal contact with another if he wills his power to do so.

✓Robert E. Maniscola ☈ ironicinitials = REM. He has never slept, not once. Thus = REM = Ironic. ETC....lol.

usernames, meme

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