Star Kingdom App

Sep 18, 2011 01:38

Player info
Your Name: Lysoke
Your E-Mail/AIM/Whatever: E-Mail: AIM: lysoke
Livejournal: lysoke
Your age: 18

Character info
Series/Fandom: Chrono Trigger
Character's Name: Schala
Character's Sex: Female
Character's Age: 24
Canon point: Just after the fall of the Ocean Palace

Abilities: Schala’s, and powers are not fully explained, it is said, however, that she has some of the most powerful magic in the kingdom of Zeal, even beyond her mother, the Queen. Like most people from Zeal, Schala has magic that spans the base elements of fire, water, lightening and shadow. She is also able to teleport multiple people at a time, use her magic to unlock other power and meddle with machines. With her power she has full span of different spells including heal spells, papou spells, time spells, and protection spells, such as barriers.

Strengths: Schala’s biggest strength is her magic, it is very powerful and she is fully capable of wielding and controlling all aspects of it, even the more powerful spells.

Weaknesses: Schala is not much of a fighter, consequently, her physical strength is lacking and she has no weapon to defend herself save her magic. However, even her magic has its limits as it takes a physical and mental toll on her to use it, and it can run out if she uses too much too often.

Background: Schala’s wiki
Appearance: Picture of Schala

Personality: Schala is in every way the antitheses of her mother. She is kind-hearted and caring, and, unlike most of the ‘enlightened ones’, people with magic, she doesn’t see herself as better than others just because she has power or is royalty. Schala cares very much for the people around her, no matter what their status, and would rather sacrifice her own happiness than see others suffer. While she always has a kind tone and smile for everyone she meets, her true love and adoration go to her little brother, Janus, whom she treasures most.

She has a very strong sense of duty which, at times can be conflicting. While her mother was attempting to summon Lavos, Schala felt she had to do as her mother said because of their relationship and the fact Zeal was her queen. However, on the same side of that coin, she knew she shouldn’t be helping Zeal because it was wrong what they were doing and, on several occasions, turned against it only to be forced back into helping due to threats made on others. Once again showing that, while her sense of duty is incredibly strong and affects most of her decisions, Schala cares too much about others to let them be hurt on her account.

The fact that she turns against her mother and Dalton, one whom she loves and the other she hates and fears, shows how strong-willed and courageous Schala is as well. Even if she knows it could be dangerous for her, she’ll still do what she believes is right by others. This shows again when she uses the last of her power to teleport Magus and Crono’s companions away to safety instead of saving herself from the collapsing palace.

Strengths: Schala’s strengths lie in her kind and caring attributes, they make up most of her personality and, combined with her courage and strength of will, drive her to most of her actions. Her patience is key as well as it shows greatest in her interactions with others, particularly those who she might not agree with or get along with.

Weaknesses: Schala’s quiet nature give her the image of something delicate and, to some, might make her a target for manipulation or something similar to those who might be interested in doing something like that. Another weakness is her self-sacrificing nature. She’d rather see everyone around her happy than be happy herself.


Action/Journal Sample:
Before I came here…to this place, I lost someone very important to me. My little brother, Janus, he was…taken by a time vortex. I do not exactly know what happened to him, but, I fear for where he might have ended up.

I have thought over it several times, and I can only hope he found himself in an environment not too unlike this one and with people he could depend on. If not….if not I don’t know that I…
I can only imagine his confusion and fear finding himself in a new and unknown time, much as I did in coming here, but so much worse for him. He was only a child.

More than once I have run the moment through my mind and I wish I had reacted faster, found a way to save him…he was too innocent and kind to go through that.

Not a day goes by that I do not think of what I could have done to save him. I just wish I knew what happened.

RP Sample:
Schala walked along the streets of the new town she’d found herself in. Really, it wasn’t so hard to adapt to after that sweet Moogle had shown her around. It really didn’t seem like so bad a place, just, different. Even the people that she had come across seemed generally decent, though, some of them were just as strange as the town itself. Not that she could really think something like that; she knew how strange she must look with her deep royal robes and long blue hair.

Still, it seemed like a pleasant place, and better than where she had been before; although, without her brother, she didn’t feel she could really be happy. Not knowing what had happened seriously hurt and the guilt she felt about leaving her mother behind in that crumbling palace was still fresh in her mind. It would never matter to her that her mother had hurt her, Zeal was still her mother and she still should have been a better daughter for her.

Looking up, a brightly colored sign caught her attention and she studied the words, trying to make sense of what the shop was selling. She had never heard of this thing before.
“Miss? You looking to buy some?” A man came up behind her, a kind smile on his face, so she didn’t feel as startled as she must have looked.

“Oh…I must admit, I don’t really know what this is.” She felt a little embarrassed, but, she was new, so, maybe he would understand.

“Never had some before? Guess it’s not a universal thing; here, I’ll get you some to try.”

The princess watched as the man went up to the counter and ordered something he called ‘blueberry’ and brought it back to her. She had to admit, she was astounded at how nice the people here really where. To get her something without even asking for her name, it was unheard of. When he gave it to her, he threw her a smile and gestured for her to try it.

Hesitantly, she brought the spoon of whatever-it-was to her mouth and licked it off. It was amazing and cold and delicious!

“I like it!”

The man smiled and nodded at her. “Good, I’d hoped you’d say that. Enjoy it, miss~” He turned and walked away, whistling to himself.

It was a very strange place she had found herself in; a place where strangers were kind to other strangers and bought them sweet cold treats for no reason other than just because. This ‘ice cream’ stuff wasn’t so bad, and maybe this new town she was in wasn’t as well.

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