Title: This Trip Has No Narrative Hook
firefly1344 Art postGenre: original, gen
Rating: PG
Warnings: None
Author’s Notes:This is written for
journeystory. Thank you to
nickygabriel for being a wonderful, hardworking mod throughout and for making this a rewarding and pleasant experience. Thank you to
firefly1344 for being a joy to work with and for her wonderful art. It
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Comments 18
Your characters are so well-rounded, an attribute I don't find in a lot of short stories. Even though Mark is gone, I get a good sense of who he was and what he valued. I understand Oliver's fears for Ian and empathize with him - he loses his brother and greatly fears losing his son in some way.
Although we didn't see much of Gail, I learned enough to like her quite a bit.
For some reason, I was relieved when Oliver and Ian left James' place. I don't know if I didn't quite trust James or what. I kept thinking that something would happen to Oliver and then nobody would be able to find Ian. I'm glad that didn't turn out to be true.
Anyway, great job! It's a good kickoff to the journeybang.
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