Title: Life on Mars: The Football AU; Episode 1: Newcastle United Chapter: 6/6 Author: amproofWordcount: 4960 this chapter, 24,936 overall
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I loved this, you've done a lovely job with messing it with soccer/football. And it was rather shocking (to me anyway) that you actually had him jump from the roof, but he survived... how? Or is that just part of the whole "coma" thing? Maybe I missed something....
It's part of the coma thing, and I wanted to throw a wrench in, that he wouldn't have 'escaped' 1973 even if he had managed to jump. Episode 2 is now up in its entirety. You can find it at my lj or linked via lifein1973. Thanks for your patience. :)
Comments 12
I like how you were able to rewrite the episode with the new twists to make it fit with the soccer.
I can't wait to see how Sam and Gene's relationship develops...
I loved this, you've done a lovely job with messing it with soccer/football. And it was rather shocking (to me anyway) that you actually had him jump from the roof, but he survived... how? Or is that just part of the whole "coma" thing? Maybe I missed something....
sorry I'm reviewing three parts in one comment but I read it all in one go and didn't really want to stop at the end of each chapter.
I really, really enjoyed this, it's a great adaptation of the original episode and all your research really shows in the details :)
The voices of each of the characters is just so spot on I feel like I'm watching the show all over again :)
Bring on Episode Two :)
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