Title: Life on Mars: The Football AU; Episode 1: Newcastle United Chapter: 5/6 Author: amproofWordcount: 4724 this chapter, 24,936 overall
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Oh wow... read this last night, and really, I don't know if I can come up with any words... just loved this part, and how you added in the LOM to it all. And I'm wondering now if you'll be adding Annie into the mix of players. Might be interesting. ;) Of course, if you're doing each episode this way, then we'll have to wait quite a while before Annie does make the team. Still loving this fic!
Annie will not be added to the team. Had to keep it realistic, after all. She will be incorporated into the male-dominated world in a different way, though.
Awesome, just so very awesome. Loved the interactions at the pub (yay Nelson! He was spot-on!) and the wrap up with Sam in his flat was creepy and weird and hopeful just like the show was. Despite being an AU, this captures the whole flavor of Life on Mars perfectly. I am SO impressed.
And OH! Not epilepsy, then; they are being drugged? Do they KNOW? Or is there some underground doping thing going on...omg, will this tie into Warren?
Finally, I really like how you've crafted Sam's grief over Mark/Maya; he remembers them as completely different people, even when he is talking about "their" death. Very twisted, but presented so normally that it is easy to see how Sam thinks it IS normal. Nice touch.
Comments 7
Had a quick skim through, like the way you're building the tension here. Is Sam match-fit for tomorrow? Don't see how he can be!
*runs out*
I'm loving this fic and hope it goes on forever and ever and ever!!!!!!!!!!!
The final part of this episode is up now. :)
Annie will not be added to the team. Had to keep it realistic, after all. She will be incorporated into the male-dominated world in a different way, though.
The final part of this episode is up now. :)
And OH! Not epilepsy, then; they are being drugged? Do they KNOW? Or is there some underground doping thing going on...omg, will this tie into Warren?
Finally, I really like how you've crafted Sam's grief over Mark/Maya; he remembers them as completely different people, even when he is talking about "their" death. Very twisted, but presented so normally that it is easy to see how Sam thinks it IS normal. Nice touch.
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