Podfic: Boston Marriage by jae_w (Gilmore Girls, Rory/Paris)

Apr 09, 2011 18:28

Title: Boston Marriage
Author: jae_w
Reader: exmanhater
Fandom: Gilmore Girls
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Rory/Paris
File size/type: 13.07 MB, .mp3
Length: 28:33
Summary: "I think that it's time that you face the fact that you will never find happiness with a man."
Text version: here
Note: Posted with author permission

Permanent archive link: mp3

Points: 5+1+3+[3 ( Read more... )

reader:exmanhater, archived, fandom:gilmore girls

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Comments 14

cantarina1 April 10 2011, 02:50:24 UTC
Oh, I'm so glad that someone's recorded this! I meant to do it for last year's Amplificathon but never got organized. I'm still hoping to get it done one of these days, but I'll enjoy your version in the meantime :D


exmanhater April 10 2011, 06:02:23 UTC
I hope you'll enjoy it, and I also hope you'll make your own - I'd love to hear it!


inteligrrl April 10 2011, 06:49:26 UTC
this is my absolute favorite Gilmore Girls fic, I'm so glad you decided to do it.


exmanhater April 10 2011, 23:11:34 UTC
It's my favorite, too, and I hope you'll enjoy listening :)


exmanhater April 10 2011, 23:11:45 UTC
Thank you!


idella April 10 2011, 21:39:27 UTC
OMG I love this story! Can't wait to listen!


exmanhater April 10 2011, 23:12:26 UTC
Happy listening! It is an awesome story, for sure :)


idella May 17 2013, 18:05:27 UTC
I can't believe I never came back and commented! (Well, wait, I can.) But I love your performance of this so much! I feel like you're channeling Rory and Paris somehow here, and I love your reading style. (I'm re-listening to 'The Idiot Box' right now as my insomnia-podfic and enjoying it hugely. It's because of listening to it the first time that I've started listening to more Avengers fic, too, since I haven't seen most of the movies and am not in the fandom.)


exmanhater May 19 2013, 03:34:18 UTC
Oh, thank you! It's lovely to get feedback on an older podfic :) Paris is one my favorite people to try and give a voice to; I'm thrilled to know it sounds like her when I try!

And I'm glad to hear that The Idiot Box drew you into Avengers fic! I'm a huge believer in reading fic for fandoms in which I've never seen the source material - it always brings me cool new stories without the need to know the canon.


dodificus April 22 2011, 22:14:12 UTC
I never would have experienced this story without this podfic, so thanks for pimping out an awesome story! It was a great recording:)


exmanhater April 23 2011, 03:48:08 UTC
Thank you, and I agree it is a totally awesome story :)


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