Amplificathon, yay!

Apr 05, 2011 10:32

My plan for this Amplificathon is to record long stories in rare fandoms (where "long" = more than one hour). I'm aware that this is not a good strategy for winning--in fact, these are stories that I've wanted to record previous years, but didn't do because it was more profitable point-wise to record shorter fics. But I've done the mad-race-for-the-finish-line the two last years, and managed to end up in the top three both times, and I figure that's enough for me. I don't have the energy for it this year. Good luck, fellow participants! *salutes you*

Here are my first ones!

Title: Nice Work If You Can Get It
Reader: luzula
Fandom: Isaac Asimov's Robot books
Pairing: Greg Powell/Mike Donovan
Rating: R
Length: 1 h 4 m 10 s
Author's summary: It was the only the beginning of a relentless campaign of terror and romance.
Notes: I know this is a rare fandom, but believe me when I say that you don't have to know the canon to appreciate this. If you like 1) slash, 2) science fiction, and 3) the "X makes them do it" trope, then I guarantee that you will enjoy this story. I'm aware that Powell should have an Irish accent, but I'm afraid that is beyond my skills. Thanks to the author for her blanket permission! Also, thanks to podcath for beta-listening to portions of this.

Download at Sendspace.

Points: 5 + 1 + 5 + 5 + 11 = 27

Title: Shalbatana
Reader: luzula
Fandom: Kim Stanley Robinson's Mars books, gen
Rating: G
Length: 51 m 35 s (all right, so it's not quite an hour--apparently I read faster than I think)
Author's summary: "Tell Nadia we've found a rover. Not one of ours."
Notes: This story, OTOH, is fairly canon-dependent, and was also more of a challenge to read. I love these books, and was overjoyed when this story turned up at Yuletide--it just fit right into canon. Also, it has lots of landscape description, which is something I love, but which sadly doesn't turn up much in fanfic. Thanks to the author for letting me record it!

Download at Sendspace.

Points: 5 + 1 + 5 + 5 + 6 = 22

Total points in this post: 49

fandom:robot books (isaac asimov), reader:luzula, fandom:mars books (k.s. robinson), archived

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