fresne - Greek Mythology and Lais of Marie de France

Apr 04, 2011 17:24

Title:Battlefield Romance Thing and Underworld Romance Thing
Author/Reader: fresne
Fandom: Mythology: Greek and Roman
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Penthesilea/Achilles
Length: Mp3, 3.4Mb 7:06
Music Credit: Caravan Palace playing "Jolie Coquine"
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Title:Calls the Westering WindAuthor/Reader: fresne ( Read more... )

fandom:music (songs vids & cds), fandom:mythology, archived, reader:fresne

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Comments 4

dodificus April 5 2011, 05:37:18 UTC
dodificus April 5 2011, 11:07:55 UTC
Oh man, this was a *trip*.

It was like a poem, like a rock song. Bang Bang Bang.

This is a story that was meant to be read and I really can't imagine anyone else choosing to read it in quite the way that you did. Absolutely fantastic, full of energy. And the song was wonderfully chosen to complement the speed and bounce of the story.


dodificus April 5 2011, 11:10:02 UTC
And of course it would help if I mentioned which story I'd listened to:) Battlefield romance and it's companion.


fresne April 5 2011, 16:59:25 UTC
Strangely, I had no trouble knowing which one you meant. ;)

Battlefield Romance is very much meant to be read aloud. Preferably in a speakeasy in the wooded hills (Spanish moss being optional) outside the sodium light gaze of town. Each Wednesnight Beat poets descend. Between breaks of the cling to their instruments band, whose music lingers on the smoke of clove cigarettes (and possibly FrankenScents), members of the crowd get up and slam poetry. The crowd joins in as the spirit so moves them. When a speaker is done, they do not clap. They snap their fingers to show approval like so many Tommy guns. Caravan Palace being a regular act at this particularly mental speakeasy. Although, how they all fit all their instruments in the Model-T, I have no idea.

It really ought to be read there, but barring that, podfic. Glad some of that came through.


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