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Comments 20

dodificus February 20 2011, 20:49:03 UTC
Here's the page for the Sherlock Holmes one: Damnation


(The comment has been removed)

podklb February 21 2011, 22:56:08 UTC
Thank you!

(the reader tag in the first one needs fixing. It currently says lunate8 and needs to say laliandra)


podklb February 22 2011, 03:00:11 UTC
Yay, thank you!

The anthology as a whole is going to get hosted too, right? In addition to the individual stories?


aphelant February 22 2011, 03:04:08 UTC
Yes, of course! It will be easier to archive once all the individual stories are up, though (because the authors names, reader names, links to text will all be sorted out already), so it will be done last.


podklb February 22 2011, 03:05:15 UTC
Ohhh, that makes a lot of sense. Thank you for explaining.


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