intercession (flight of the phoenix)

Dec 27, 2010 17:27

title: intercession
author: wrenlet
reader: tsuki-no-bara
fandom: flight of the phoenix
pairing: rodney/john
length/size: 00:44:51, 41.1mb
rating: nc-17
summary: rodney thinks it'll be a cold day in hell before he lets john wander off in the night again.
download: sendspace or permanent link

reader:tsuki no bara, small fandom:movies & tv movies, archived

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Comments 8

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tsuki_no_bara December 28 2010, 02:53:47 UTC
i hope you enjoy! :D


mific December 28 2010, 05:57:03 UTC
Hi - I'm slightly confused. The John and Rodney in this are from the "Flight of the Phoenix" fandom, right? Nothing to do with the "Stargate Atlantis" John and Rodney? If so, why's there a fandom:sga tag? Maybe the mod misunderstood which fandom it is? Might pay to message them and ask that it be fixed.


tsuki_no_bara December 28 2010, 17:33:36 UTC
it's flight of the phoenix, yeah. i have no idea why it's tagged sga, tho. i mean, it says "fandom: flight of the phoenix" right there.... i will message a mod and mention it!

good call - i never would've noticed that myself.


cybel December 29 2010, 00:54:21 UTC
Oops! My bad.

I caught these during a marathon Podbang archiving binge, and obviously my brain was fritzed by then! All fixed now! :-)


tsuki_no_bara December 29 2010, 06:16:37 UTC
no worries! sga is so much bigger of a fandom, it's a mistake i'd probably make too. especially after dealing with all the podbangs....


aphelant December 30 2010, 23:56:41 UTC
tsuki_no_bara December 31 2010, 05:13:51 UTC
ooh! thank you! ^_^


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