Last week I ran into a situation where the author of one of the fics I had podficed and I discovered we had different expectations of what permission to podfic meant. Everything turned out great in the end but the author left it feeling bad that she hadn't done enough research into podfic before giving blanket permission for people to podfic her works.
As I told her, as a podficer I don't actually expect the authors I work with to know that much about podfic (in certain fandoms, I'll actually link to the Fanlore definition when I ask in case they've never heard of podfic before). If anything it should be on the podficer to explain what we expect (which is how that conversation happened).
revolutionaryjo took that idea in an awesome direction and wrote a
Dear Author post to actually spell out what her stance was.
I think it would be an awesome idea if all podficers did this and linked to it when they ask permission to podfic. That way we're letting the author come to an informed decision over whether or not they want their story podficed and can save future awkward situations.
I was thinking we could maybe turn the comment sections of this post into a brain storming session. I just tried to write one up for myself but it's hard, especially since I expect a higher level of control over my podfic than
revolutionaryjo seems to. I'm not sure how to say it without it sounding like, I don't know, like I'm demanding too much? But I also don't want to give over all control over my work.
I'm actually a contract coordinator in RL; that's probably the wrong kind of experience to draw on for this :S
X-posted to
amplificathon and