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Comments 11

daraq May 25 2010, 03:00:52 UTC
Thanks for GK and M&C!


luzula May 25 2010, 06:56:10 UTC
Enjoy! : )


evalangui May 26 2010, 09:45:42 UTC
Thanks for these, it's nice to see rare fandoms like GK and M&C with podfic :)


luzula May 26 2010, 09:48:47 UTC
This is the point with amplificathon, to record in rare fandoms! I've done quite a lot of GK podfics this year, you can find them in the archive.


fish_echo May 29 2010, 06:43:58 UTC
I'm terribly sorry for the delay! (I hadn't realised I hadn't uploaded them yet *facepalm of fail*)


I don't have archive pages for the other two yet (I'm waiting on tagging/category information), but the direct links are:
Travelling companions: http://podfic.jinjurly.com/audfiles/6201005281.zip
Hunting High and Low: http://podfic.jinjurly.com/audfiles/6201005283.zip

I'll also let you know when the formal pages are up.


luzula May 29 2010, 08:04:24 UTC
Hey, no problem! Thanks for all the work you archivists do.


petronelle June 23 2010, 17:14:18 UTC
I've been hanging onto this for a day when I really needed it, and it made me *beam* today. I love your Stephen so much. Thank you!


luzula June 25 2010, 11:08:21 UTC
Thank you! I'm so glad it could improve your day. And Stephen was easy for me to read. I never know when a character is going to feel natural to read--it doesn't correspond with how much I love them, and it's not just about identifying with them, either. Hmm.


fire_juggler April 10 2014, 03:09:13 UTC
I listened to Imprint today and absolutely loved it. I always trust your pacing to work perfectly with the story and as always, it was perfect for the slow build. And the way you read the first kiss just made my stomach flutter. It was a beautiful performance of a wonderful fic that I probably would have missed otherwise. Thank you!


luzula April 10 2014, 15:05:28 UTC
Hey, thanks for the feedback! ♥ I'm so glad to hear that it affected you.


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