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Comments 5

sadcypress November 25 2009, 23:58:32 UTC
Love the cover! :)


cybel November 26 2009, 00:11:04 UTC


latentfunction November 27 2009, 05:34:06 UTC
I agree, the cover is awesome! Thank you.


cybel November 27 2009, 05:53:39 UTC
I'm glad you like it!

Please forgive me for not dropping you a note about the 'book; I was pretty wiped out when I posted it. :-(

Oh, and I should say that I enjoyed the story, and, of course, the podfic tremendously!


latentfunction November 29 2009, 05:18:29 UTC
It's not a problem at all! I found it anyway, so don't worry about it.

I'm so glad you liked the story! And I agree with you about the podfic, definitely very enjoyable.


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