Podfic: Punch Drunk, by rivers_bend

Apr 20, 2009 21:41

Story title: Punch Drunk
Story author: rivers_bend
Read by: sadcypress
Pairing: Jared/Jensen
Rating: R
Format: *.mp3
Approximate length: 20mins

Points: 5+1+5+(3+3)= 17

Author's Summary: Gay sex is just one of the things that happens when you drink Mike's punch. Or is it?

Reader's Notes: I fell in love with this as soon as I'd read it- it's HILARIOUS and also absurdly sweet, in it's own strange, quirky way. BASICALLY, it is love and rivers_bend is CRAZY AWESOME AND TALENTED, so make sure you go leave her some love.

Comments ensure that Jared and Jensen drink Mike's punch.

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All of my previous podfics are hosted at general_jinjur's superawesome archive here or at sadtreepodfic, my podfic comm.

fandom:stargate atlantis, fandom:supernatural rpf, reader:sadcypress, archived

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