Happy almost-February! As we have for the past three years, we'll be collecting short lady-centric podfics by different readers in different fandoms to release as an anthology (and as a collection of individual files) on the final day of
If you are not familiar with this project, you can see the previous three anthologies
here, and
To Podficcers: Interested in participating? We'd love to have you. Even though we're working with a relatively short time-frame, it should be a low-stress project, even for people who are new to podficcing, since we are only looking for short podficlets: based on stories of less than 1500 words (with many being as short as 1-2 minutes). If you'd like to record something for this anthology, please comment here or at the
corresponding post on
amplificathon with your preferred method of contact (email or PM), and we'll send you the link to the spreadsheet where we'll be keeping track of all the podfics.
Here are some good places for finding short fics about female characters:
Awesome Ladies Ficathon (LJ)-
Real Women Fest-
Female Character Trope Fest-
The Bechdell Test Comment Ficathon-
The Bechdell Test Comment Ficathon II-
I am the Plot, Babe: A Villainess Ficathon-
Where No Woman: Un-erasing the women of Star Trek-
Femslash Kinkmeme-
The Femslash February Collection-
The Misses Clause Challenge from Yuletide-The
Women Being Awesome,
Female Characters, and
Female Relationships tags at the AO3, sorted by wordcount.
Since this project has a quick turnaround time, you may want to refer to the list of authors who have given
Blanket Permission to Podfic, so that you can get started recording stories right away!
To the Podcurious: A number of prolific podficcers have gotten their start by contributing to previous years of this anthology. If you have ever thought you might like to create podfic, this is a really great starting place. It's low pressure, you'll get a ton of listeners, you're contributing to a cool fanwork that celebrates our love for female characters, and it's not too intense of a spotlight, because your piece is in the company of many other voices.
To Everyone: Feel free to comment with links to other fests or specific works that you think would be a good fit for this anthology. Additionally, we are looking for beta listeners who can absolutely commit to at LEAST two hours of beta listening between February 12th and 13th. Please let us know if you'd be available and interested, we'd be very grateful!
To Authors: It would be totally awesome if some authors wanted to get involved, in
pod_together style, to create short female-centric pieces for the anthology in collaboration with podficcers. If you’re an author who’s interested, please comment below. Podficcers who would like this sort of collaboration, please reply directly to the authors.
Below the cut is a little more information on what we're looking for with these podfics and how they should be submitted.
For the sake of consistency within the anthology, we'd like to ask that everyone follow these guidelines for eligible fics and the metadata you include in the podfic:
-Each reader can make up to 10 podfics, and each story should be no more than 1500 words.
-All stories should focus on characters who identify as women in canon.
-All fandoms, including rpf fandoms, are eligible.
-All recordings should begin and end with two seconds of silence.
-Each reading should begin, "[Title], by [author], read by [reader]. Fandom: [Fandom]." We also suggest including appropriate warnings or content notes for common triggers such as sexual assault and underage sex.
-Each reading should end with "The End".
-To match last year’s anthology, the meta data should follow
this format:
Name: [Fandom] Title
Artist: readername (reader)
Album Artist: authorname (author)
Year: 2014
Album: Awesome Ladies Podfic Anthology IV
Comments: Text at:
http://linkGenre: Podfic
(Note that usernames should be all-lowercase, with fandom and title given title capitalization.)
-To help make sure the volume across the anthology is consistent, we are providing a benchmark volume file to use for volume-matching. Please make sure that your own podfics are approximately matched to this volume. If you aren't sure how to adjust volume, in Audacity it's Amplify under the Effects menu, and in Garageband it's track volume (the blue line
here). If you have more questions, feel free to ask in the comments!
Benchmark volume file:
Here (right-click save to download)
-All podfics should be submitted in mp3 format by February 9th at midnight Central Standard Time (GMT-6).