Bedtime Story and Old Bones by thuvia ptarth

Jun 20, 2011 21:07

Title: Bedtime Story
Author: thuvia ptarth
Reader: tinypinkmouse
Fandom: Pan's Labyrinth
Length: 0:03:49 (2.18MB, mp3)
Summary: You vow in your heart to be as brave as a tailor, as kind as a knight, as clever as a little girl.
Download at sendspace.

5+1+1+(5+5)+0 = 17

Title: Old Bones
Author: thuvia ptarth
Reader: tinypinkmouse
Fandom: ( Read more... )

fandom:supernatural, fandom:pan's labyrinth, reader:tinypinkmouse, archived

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Comments 3

nikojen November 11 2011, 20:29:14 UTC
I was listening to Old Bones on my lunch hour today, and wanted to pop in and let you know I loved it! :) Your accent and delivery are such a great fit for the tone of the story.

I only just started getting active with listening to podfic, but I'm happy to see you have a lot of other work in the archive. :) I can't wait to check it out...


tinypinkmouse November 11 2011, 20:54:21 UTC
Thank you so much!

Well I just today managed to reuplod all my podfics on the comm with expired links that haven't been archived yet (well I think I did all of them anyway). So, good timing all around I guess. :D


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