A Certain Sense of Synergy Between Yourself and Me by queenklu (Misha Collins/Mike Rosenbaum, J2)

May 24, 2011 22:57

Title: A Certain Sense of Synergy Between Yourself and Me
Author: queenklu
Reader: exmanhater
Fandom: Supernatural RPF, CW RPF
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Mike/Misha, Jared/Jensen
File size/type: 73.5 MB, .mp3
Length: 2:40:40
Author's Summary: Misha Collins gets groped by Michael Rosenbaum before meeting him, which he finds out later is pretty much par for the course. Life ensues-twitter and Taken and sucking fuzzy balls (not like that (maybe)) and somewhere in there, falling head over heels stupid in love.
Text version: here
Notes: Posted with author permission. This is a sequel to Let's Get Wrecked on Poptarts and Sex, so I'd encourage you to read or listen to that first if you're a J2 fan. Otherwise, this story stands alone very well. I'd also encourage you to check out the text version, as well as listening, since I couldn't really recreate certain included pictures and video links (and even one very complicated emoticon!) in an audio format :)

Download links: sendspace mp3 OR, thanks to the amazing cybel, download the mp3 or the podbook from the Audiofic Archive. (You should download the podbook for the cover if nothing else!)

Points: 5+1+26+[3+3+3]+0= 41

fandom:cw rpf, reader:exmanhater, fandom:supernatural rpf, fandom:smallville rpf, archived

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