White Washed Pages

Apr 30, 2011 11:54

It'll sound cliched, but living in another country really does give you a new perspective on things. Since, my group of friends and family are very preoccupied with humanities, the arts and culture I'd never really thought about how the majority of the world isn't. The family I lived with in Spain didn't have any books in the house. Any. How can ( Read more... )

wodehouse, picspam, family, freud would be proud, vacation, phillip k dick, books

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amphitritie April 30 2011, 16:42:32 UTC
Wow, and you go to uni and they're like that? I'm still worried about when I move out of my parents house that they'll throw or give some away. I'm a bit selfish towards my books in that respect. I have this fear that they'll all get destroyed in a fire and I'll forget some of my favourites or classics and then posterity will be cheated out of good literature.


c0ntrarywise April 30 2011, 21:51:17 UTC
Books :D I am a bit of an anti-hoarder, so I've taken a number of my books to used shops and I'm a library nut, so my collection doesn't compare (especially since I had to fly here), but they're the one thing I unrepentently spend the money I don't have on :P I'll actually give up lunch for a book, which is probably unhealthy or something...


amphitritie April 30 2011, 23:26:24 UTC
Oh, I'm with you, I went hungry on a eight hour plane flight, because I used the 70 dollars I had on books. Priorities, our lit lovers need to rearrange them.


surreallifehero May 1 2011, 03:36:16 UTC
So if you have a big paperback edition of 1984, why do you also have it on you Kindle? I'm just wondering.

Otherwise... when I get home, I am going to take pictures of my best friends' dining room... it is the only place I can think of that would rival this.


amphitritie May 1 2011, 12:37:27 UTC
Because my Engilsh teacher is a dick and told us AFTER we finished reading it that we needed to fill out vocab sheets with the vocabulary word context. The kindle has a search and find function for books, very helpful.

Ni-ice, I'd like to see that.


surreallifehero May 1 2011, 18:40:00 UTC
Then that makes absolute sense. I am sorry I doubted you.

But my friends have cheated, since it is the combing of two people's crazy book buying habit. Individually they probably are just like you. I have a fair amount myself, but mine are different because they tend to be these old books that nobody has read in thirty years that the library was throwing out, but has weird titles like "Kick the Dog Gently" and the like. They are my love.


amphitritie May 1 2011, 18:44:49 UTC
Oh, I have quite a few of those. Library clean outs are my favourites; everything's so cheap! Also, the city has a lot of sidewalk sales were people just cart out their old books going at like three for five.


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