Title: Art for "We Are Stardust"
amphigouryPairings/characters: Arthur/Merlin
Rating (if applicable): T
Warnings: Violence
Summary: Art for
fuzzytomato02s "
We Are Stardust" - The crew of the merchant ship Avalon are a good lot, if a little odd. The captain, Morgana, has weird dreams. The first mate, Arthur, is an unpleasant ex-lieutenant of the Phoenix Guard.
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Comments 108
Seriously, Amph, all these pieces go so well with the story. I can't even. I just ... ::flails:: So wonderful, the art you created.
Tintigal Drift: You give a really awesome visual to life on a drift. I love Merlin and his awed face, and his tablet. The Guard enlist poster and the PENGUIN lol niiiice. Wonderful, detailed piece.
Space Sick: Omg. A gif that is art! An art that is a gif! It's so perfect for the scene and the descriptions of it and I'm pretty in awe of this. Wonderful!
Pressure and Power: UNF. Seriously, I adored that trait in Arthur, his bad shoulder, and I LOVED this scene with Merlin's power helping and Arthur experiencing it. And you illustrated that beautifully. <3
The Promise: Merlin in his cyber state, and his glowy cold yes. Fuck, yes. This whole panel is amazing.
The Technopath: I loved Tomato's characterisation of Merlin as a technopath and your illustration is just perfect. All techie and his goggles and, again, all the wonderful little details. ( ... )
Congrats on your second big bang! The work was well worth it, I think.
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