Stargate SG-1/Supernatural
Corner of Your Eye by
maychorian (
Gen) I really loved the casefic and the character voices. This was a lot of fun to read. :)
recs-Supernatural recs-StargateSG-1 crossover f4 gen)
Stargate Atlantis
Snakeheads: A Love Story by
taste_is_sweet (
Sheppard/McKay) INSTANT REC!!! I loved the concept, the character
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Comments 10
Did you like my mcshep_match story? You are obviously not obliged to like everything of mine that you read (or, you know, read everything I write), but, well, your opinion means a lot to me. :)
and you're welcome for the rec! I had a great time reading your story last night.
Here's the easiest way to get to it:
It's the last thing posted, so it'll be right there.
(And if you don't like it, that's okay. I'm very happy that you want to read it. I promise it ends well.)
Really, I'm falling behind on everything it seems like!
I love the word count already! which I know is weird but I like long stories. :)
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