The answers

Feb 24, 2008 11:55

1)A Fish Called Wanda
2)The Fisher King (one of my top five all time favs)
4)Yay Grosse Point Blank
5)Guess Who's Coming for Dinner
6)Blade Runner
7)Muppets from Space!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
8)Mystery Alaska
9)Men with Brooms
10)Eulogy (super funny indie film)
11)Hunt for Red October
12)Pride & Prejudice (so long as everyone understand Meghan ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

shatteredhavoc February 27 2008, 07:11:15 UTC
haha...sorry, i thought i commented, but i guess i only thought about it, then never really did.

i can't believe i missed 3. that's one of my fav.'s a good, obscure one from the film, tho. and i have honestly not seen any of the other ones. amazing. but they definitely make my list of films i hope to see (somewhat) soon.


amnistie February 27 2008, 20:03:53 UTC
There are definately some good ones in the list. Some I just like on my own and some of were Jaime and Mom staples...watched over and over.
My top five in this list in random order:
hahaha ok. there's no way I can do only five:
Grosse point blank
The fisher king
Bladerunner (if you watch this try and get the original, not the director's cut. In my opinion the director should have gone with his gut and left well enough alone, so try and find an old version)
Mystery Alaska (sort of indie, kind of like a perfect plum of a movie)
Men with Brooms (seriously Canadiana 101
LA Confidential (oh man, it's just so freakin cool)
Guess Who's coming for Dinner (a master class in acting 101.
Have fun and if you watch any, tell me what you think.
Oh and every one at a certain age should watch Apocolypse now.


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