Trip To Japan = How I embarassed myself in front of Koyama's Mom and how I got to touch Ryo Vol II

Sep 12, 2010 17:39

Here we go with part II ! This one is definitely more interesting since it involves two actual JE boys and one former JE boy! So without any more delay, once again just as the title suggests: The story of me touching Ryo, and also the story of pleiadess  and shotax2  touching Ryo!
So first of all, if you happened to come across any of my posts it's usually about me bitching about Ryo... Before I start with the actual story I shall tell you about a bit of my history with Ryo fandom so that you could understand how beautiful the guy is in real life more accurately... So yep, I've been in the fandom for 3 years and 2,5 of it passed with me not feeling a thing for Ryo... Okay he was good in Last Friends.. and he is handsome.. and I did like the fact that he was ( ;_; ) Uchi's friend but not my cup of tea, no thank you.. I had no clue about his personality and his looks had no affect on me.. Well I got to learn about him a bit more after becoming a Shige fan and at the same time I've started my first fanfic(yeah...after 2,5 years my first fanfic) which happened to be a RyoxUchi one so after that first fanfic I've read some other stuff out of curiosity and then I've read some NishiKato (which was quite "Ewww" for me at first) and next thing you know Ryo was the most beautiful thing for me on the face of the earth and NishiKato was even hotter than RyoxUchi (it's just my taste, nothing personal and I love RyoxUchi)...
 So I've spent last spring with nothing but Ryo on my mind but as I got to know the guy through some shows and etc his personality really bothered me and the flame started to disappear little by little... Most of my bitchy posts were written on that period "I hate you as a human being but oh God, look at those eyes *-* " could be enough to summarize my state of mind... But after seeing that Janiben episode with Ikko, Ryo was "GONE" for me.. sure he was hot and everything but since I didn't like the guy as an individual he was no longer hot for me.. (btw, you may like his personality, I'm not gonna argue on that. And this post is far from bashing Ryo, quite the opposite).. And on our way to Japan my fandom was kinda on hibernation.. Until *that* night *insert random dramatic music here from your mp3 player* !

On our second week once again, a day or two after The Koyamama Incident we were supposed to go a certain club in Roppongi (I'm not gonna name the place, sorry for that..) that we knew Jin frequented a lot. We also knew that place was where Ryo and Yamapi hung out with together Jin. Though if you've read the previous entry you may have understood that we are not "social" people, so we don't like stuff like going to clubs and etc. While people party to a 13 year old kid crying out "Babyyy babyyy babyyy oooh!" at 3 a.m. we stay at home, sip our tea and talk about who'd be the best choice to hang out with at that club: Jin, Yamapi or Ryo... So when we were at a street festival in Roppongi Hills Arena, sitting on the lawn, having a cup of tea and eating crepes that were out of this world the last thing we wanted to do was to go find that club..This whole trip is filled with events that prove us wrong I guess...

About 11:00 p.m. we've found the strength to leave the little pond of Roppongi Hills and started our mission to find "the club" ... Not gonna bore you with details of how it was hard to find the place or how the address system in Japan sucks, I'll only tell you that after an hour and a half long search we managed to get into *that* club...And well, first thing you see is a long corridor which bears the wall of fame... Funny thing was they didn't even write Yamapi's name under a photo which consists of him and Jin...Before I continue, there you go with a little plan of the place to visualize the whole thing better;

So yep, this is kinda what the place looks like, my paint skills must've helped you a lot once again. though it's probably a lot smaller then what you have on your mind... It's probably 1/10 of what you have on your mind.. It's soooo tiny that it practically forces you to dry hump anything and anyone inside that club... So the place was at first quite nightmare-ish for us at first... shotax2 and pleiadess got their Oolong Tea and I got myself a Melon Fizz.. though we all had one thing in our minds; we should finish our drinks and get the hell out of there...
Since it was quite crowded we ended up standing in front of the Staff Room.. which at first seemed like a totally stupid choice but then... I saw this guy, just a bit taller than me, 2 - 3 cm perhaps (btw, I'm something like 1.65 cm) with really beautiful lips and nice hair and though I was convinced it couldn't possible be, it most definetly was: Akanishi Jin!!! Just as I've started shouting "Jin! Jin! Jin!" shotax2 and pleiadess started shouting too and it was so funny and exciting at the same time and just about two seconds later we saw Jimmy Mackey, who, unlike Jin, was actually quite tall. And it was surreal enough as it was and then *remember that dramatic music? insert it here once again...* I've seen the most magnificent chin ever..and of course it was attached to Nishikido Ryo...And the nex thing I know is that the three of us are shouting "RYOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!" while they're only about a meter away from us... So they went into the Staff Room and since we were already in front of there, we were trying to look inside as much as possible (it was only covered by a curtain so the inside was visible).. They were -of course- drinking and making shots and ohmygod Ryo has the most beautiful neck ever *-* Seriously, he was the most beautiful guy I've ever seen live and just one glimpse was enough to take back everything I said about Ryo back .. All I could manage to say was "I read fanfics about *this* guy *-* ..." I even had eye contact with Jin btw, and if I remember correctly pleiadess too.. So we were all watching them and after a while they all got out and started to head back to the V.I.P. lounge and Ryo was holding onto his male friend's waist in the process.. Speaking of waists Ryo is really thin and tiny.. has the most beautiful waist oh and that night he was wearing -of course- a V cut T-shirt, a cap, cargo pants and sunglasses..

So yeah, they went to the V.I.P. lounge and we started to wait for them to come out.. Well not actually for "them" .. more like for Ryo :D So after half an hour or so they did come out and while Ryo was passing near us he looked at pleiadess and they made eye contact for about 2 seconds or so.. Then pleiadess melted but you should go to her for details... So after they passed near us, they got out of the club..which lead us to beleive that they've left... you've guessed it; WRONG (this time not totally wrong though.. Jin really did leave)..So since the loud music really bothered pleiadess and we were not that crazy about it either we decided to leave too.. We got out, me and pleiadess lit a cigarette and then..him again: Nishikido Ryo... We were so funny, trying to get into the best angle to see Ryo with our Eastpaks in different colors that shouted "TOURIST!" (and since they were all in different colors we were quite the Team Fangirl that night -_-''' ) And then one of his friends pulled Ryo up holding him from the waist while Ryo was laughing while struggling to save himself (a total fanfic scene, believe me *-* ) and once again ohmygod his smile is so bright and perfect... The place had a rock-like structure in front of it's entrance so after that lil' fun time with his friend he decided to bend over to that rock, situating himself on his elbows so that his chest would be on the rock and his back.. well up in the air if you know what I mean (once again a *total* fanfic scene...geez...) ...So we were mesmerized enough already but then he went in and of course as Team Fangirl we followed him..
  At that entrance like corridor he turned down a guy's request to take a picture together by smiling in such a cute was and saying "Gomen gomen~~" .. We kind a lost him for about 2 minutes after that and when we got in he was about to go out and that's when it all happened. We were moving like a line, pleiadess in front just behind her was me and behind me was shotax2... so when Ryo was going out with his prey of the night (a really short blond girl..couldn't see the face though) his body brushed to pleiadess', while he was passing near me I got my hand up and managed to touch his whole chest, even leaving a fingerprint on his sunglasses (it was hanging in front of his T-shirt at that moment, and since the club was so crowded it didn't look like I was harassing him, it was more like I was pushing him away, so yeayz) and the most epic thing happened to shotax2, while going out Ryo touched her shoulder, looked into her eye and after a second or two he continues on his way.. Then we all melted....
After hanging out at the club for about half an hour more we left the place too.. totally mesmerized by Ryo's beauty... I mean the photos don't do him justice..He's much much more beautiful than that.. And he has this aura around him, making it impossible to approach him as a fan.. At least that's what we felt like...
So that's the whole story of us, getting to see Ryo and Jin (well and Jimmy Mackey...) and getting to touch Ryo (well we did have body contact with Jin too but since we're not really Jin fans and since Ryo -of course- stole the spotlight it's not even worth to talk about)....Once again the whole thing, our luck and everything else seem so surreal but yeah.. that's what happened.. pleiadess and shotax2 may add some other stuff that I may have forget later so if you have anything on your mind, ask them too (like "Just *how* much exactly beautiful Ryo was?").. Oh and if you have the time please ask shotax2 how she can still breathe after Ryo touching her shoulder :)
And this ends my fangirl report kinda like entry ^^

akanishi jin, nishikido ryo, trip to japan

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