Trip to Japan = How I embarrassed myself in front of Koyama's Mom and How I got to touch Ryo Vol I

Sep 12, 2010 15:59

It's been about two weeks since I've returned back to my country, so I'm not really sure why I've waited this long to post an entry about all of this...Maybe it was the laziness or maybe I just didn't want to deal with people who'd go all "Hmph..they're lying..crazy biatch fangirls!" but right now I feel like I should share since things that ( Read more... )

koyamama, nishikido ryo, trip to japan, koyama keiichiro

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Comments 39

pleiadess September 12 2010, 14:29:13 UTC
Whoaa, you did it! That's the spirit! XDDDDDDDDD

Ok, after last night's painfully epic events, I'll try to leave my embarrassment behind and leave you a comment. Yes, you heard ME right. ME. Writing in YOU. *spasmofawkwardness* Here we go.

I'll make a quick post in my lj immediately. ;)

P.S: You locked your posts! Damn you!
P.S 2: "The Eastpaks"! Shadaiiiim! XDDD
P.S 3:You make me fall in love with you baby, just because of that last photo. *please read this in fanfic Ryo voice* XDDD


amnesiacxxx September 12 2010, 14:57:52 UTC
Yeaaaayz! You! Commenting on my page!! I may even trick you to be friends with me after some time ;) !
P.S: Of course I did ;)
P.S2: Deborah, get your bag, we have a mission XD ! Shadaiiim indeed XD !
P.S3: I'm full of surprises baby *Ryo voice* XD ! Btw, glad you liked it, it's my masterpiece created by moi at the peak of my artistic career(a.k.a. I make crappy gifs now!)~~


alphanumerx September 13 2010, 22:12:22 UTC
i'm not a news fan, but i enjoyed reading your fan account :D but i wanted to tell you that i did the same thing you did--about the kansai-ben XD that's what i get for watching a lot of kanjani8 except i didn't realize that "meccha" was kansai-ben til i left osaka (and mind you, i went to tokyo first) XD


amnesiacxxx September 14 2010, 15:58:35 UTC
Ahahah totally the same situation XD I even asked my teaccher before I went there and he told me "You can use 'meccha' , no one would think on it twice :D " so I did and look what happened XD
Proud of my Kansai-ben though XD ! So I can't even talk japanese but who cares as long as i keep my accent XD


owlbiscuit September 13 2010, 22:27:38 UTC
I laughed a lot when reading the sentence "Nope, those are not two Nazgûls discussing how hot Yamapi looks while waiting for Frodo to come out of the toilet after having one too many Ooolong Tea" XD
But actually the entire story was really fun! I enjoyed it a lot more than the Ryo one (yes, I did read it according to what I thought was most important ^^;) mostly because this one didn't make me almost die, I guess xD
I can't believe Koyama's restaurant is filled with gaijins - does Keiichiro really have that many fans who knows where his moms ramen shop is? OO


amnesiacxxx September 14 2010, 16:01:46 UTC
Thank you for reading XD And I guess this one really is more fun since it's filled with moments of Koyama"s mom laughing at us XD
I guess everyone knows the place, there were fans from all over the world, and there were even fans of the waiter over there who seems to be playing in a band too @_@
We shall go back there and erase that crappy first impression we've made on Koyamama XD !


scottishwish September 13 2010, 22:56:12 UTC
You may have just killed me! Ryuutaro is like my favorite restaurant in the world and seeing pictures of it and the food makes me so sad not not be there.

I love Koyamama so much! She is so super nice. It is unbelievable how sweet she is to the foreign fangirls that go there (she remembered my friend and I when we came back after being away for a year!). I think in a weird way she is one of the people I miss the most when I am not in Japan.


amnesiacxxx September 14 2010, 16:04:00 UTC
You're totally right! She makes you feel at ease and the whole atmospehere is really home-like!
I'm certain that I'll pay her a visit the next time I'm there! She might remember me as the "girl who can't speak Japanese but has a Kansai-ben" :D !


moka_n_waffles September 13 2010, 23:00:37 UTC
Not really a NEWS fan, but I like Koyama XD. And I had a nice time reading this, too. Thanks for sharing!

"Doko?" / *points into bowl* "Koko..." <<---- me laughing like crazy XD. And the "Mecha" also made me crack up. I can't seem to remind myself of what's Kansai-ben and what's not either!! XDD

Koyamama seems to be really nice and caring. Now I'll add this place as one of those I want to visit when I go there!! *which will take me still two years, but even so XD*


amnesiacxxx September 14 2010, 16:07:35 UTC
I'm much more like a Koya-Shige fan rather than a News fan too so being in the place where the fanfics took place was quite awesome XD The whole time I was thinking " I read really inappropriate stuff that involves your son..." XD
Oh and thank you for finding the "Koko" thing funny since we cracked up after that too XD
You should totally go there when you have the chance, I'll make sure that you have the best directions to find the place :D !


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