Trip to Japan = How I embarrassed myself in front of Koyama's Mom and How I got to touch Ryo Vol I

Sep 12, 2010 15:59

It's been about two weeks since I've returned back to my country, so I'm not really sure why I've waited this long to post an entry about all of this...Maybe it was the laziness or maybe I just didn't want to deal with people who'd go all "Hmph..they're lying..crazy biatch fangirls!" but right now I feel like I should share since things that happened seem so surreal.. I dunno, I do like reading other fangirls'  lj posts about how they got to touch *insertJEboynamehere* or had the chance to meet Koyama's mom(hell, I've experienced that thanks to an lj post ^^ ) so I thought I would do the same. And the main point of the things I'm gonna tell are just as the title suggests it though it wasn't just "I", it was me, shotax2  and pleiadess .  So here we go with what happened and how ^_~ (Btw..this gonna be long, with photos and everything but I assure you it worths reading... Especially if you're a Koyama and Ryo fan and maybe a bit Jin fan I guess :D ) Oh and sorry in advance for the future typos!
 So let's go chronologically and start with the Koyamama thing! Well, just as I told you, after 7+ years of adoration we managed to get our tickets to Japan for a trip of 20 days and since we were responsible fangirls we did our research to get close to our JE boys ;) Therefore on our second week there, we were on our way to go to Koyama's mom's ramen shop! The day started at Shinjuku since we thought that the ramen shop was either in Shinjuku or close to Shinjuku (dunno how we ended up with that conclusion.. too much 20th Century Boys does that to you I guess :P) and I can easily say that we were WROOOOOONG! It's not close to's not close to anywhere! It's this long journey of unknown roads, train lines, more than crowded trains and guys that have the potential of being the guy on the back seat of the class in Gokusen (no exaggeration, ask shotax2 or pleiadess)... But fear not, the end result does worth that horrific journey! So after checking out the directions for more than a hundred times we got to find the place...Koyamama's Ramen Shop! Well what to say, the night started just as we expected (though it would change in about 3 minutes).. there was a little line in front of the place consisting of..well who would have guessed but other fangirls! And we started to wait.. Trying to see Koyama's mom and everything else inside of the place... Well first of all.. since Koyama is so yasashii and cute we expected his mom to be this lil' chubby lady with greyish hair and lotsa wrinkles, you know just like those other shop owners you get to see on Boken Japan... And once again we were WROOOOOOONG! If I may say so; Koyama's mom is hot! And I mean HOT! With lots of charisma, nicely done hair and red lipstick *-* She's this petite lady with a smile that looks just like Koyama's.. Oh and she is yasashii to...Yasashii just like those single moms with lots of charisma and will that you get to see on American movies or TV Shows.. So yeah, keep this in mind if you're planning on going to the place since she is able to impress you with just once glance. Oh and she has a cute voice too, nice, feminine and strong I would say... So yeah we were starry-eyed already when it was out turn and lucky for us, we got to eat at the best table there ^^ ! So we ordered; yakisoba for me and ramen for the two other ladies and some shrimp and gyoza and all I can say about the food is...DELICIOUS! Funny how Koyama didn't get fat with a mom like that.. the lady can cook and everything she does tastes amazing! So since the three of us are socially awkward people and can't speak enough Japanese we sat there, ate our food, took pictures and behaved like your average customer but of course things were about to change! So we asked for the check and while we were waiting I told shotax2 and pleiadess that I would go ahead and tell Koyamama that the food was delicious (with my itty bitty Japanese..yep) and when she returned..I did.. And everything started with that.. Well.. to explain the further event I shall firts tell you that my Japanese mainly comes from watching Kanjani8 stuff since they're my main fandom..yep those guys who probably are the last ones to teach you some Japanese in Johnny's (and oh how I love them)... So when I've told her the food was delicious I've said "Meccha oishi katta!" ... yep...meccha...KANSAI-BEN FOR THE LOVE OF GOD! And since my Japanese teacher who gave me and shotax2 some lessons before going to Japan was also from Kansai I've never thought of it.. But yeah.. Koyamama noticed that.. I mean who wouldn't; foreigner with a Kansai-ben who can't talk Japanese so of course she responded: "Meccha? *insert seductive and charismatic smile here* " and of course I was embarrassed as hell but of course the pain didn't end with that... She really wanted to talk with us and we did want to talk too but with what.. I mean I do understand some basic stuff and can talk with even more basic stuff but all I could tell the lady would've been that his son had really nice shoulders and no I wasn't ready to go that far... So yeah, since she wanted to talk she asked us where we were from but being as panicked as I was I forgot everything responded with a "Nihonjin!" instead of "Torukkojin" -_- ... That was the second strike.. I've immediately corrected myself with a "Sorry I've just fucked up a bit!" look on my face but of course Koyamama was amused already.. By the way, I must add while doing these she doesn't make you feel bad or anything, she's really cute and everything she does has this "cute + charismatic" feeling to it... Ahem, yeah, after that she waited a bit, looking at our faces with this look that said "Come on, just tell me how much you love my son.." but we just managed to look at her face with appreciative eyes ^^; And we bowed our heads to each other and just as she left and pleiadess was giving the changes to shotax2 another epic moment happened... Since shotax2 didn't see the 100 yen change that hid under the bill she dropped the 100 yen in the ramen soup with a huge "PLOP!" sound XD So we started laughing and panicking once again, thinking if it would be possible to take it out with chopsticks... and there was Koyamama again, looking at us with a smiling and undertanding face and asking "Doko? Doko?" XD So shotax2 couldn't help but answer "Koko..." which was quite funny for us once again 'cause we call Koyama "Koko" whenever we speak of him (and believe me..that's a LOT)... So since we've already made fools of ourselves a sudden bravery hit us and we've decided that we should at least say that we were Koyama fans before we left. And just as pleiadess finished constructing the phrase "Watashitachi wa..anata no musuko dess!" Koyamama returned..with pleiadess' back to her..hearing the whole phrase XD And so, the lady couldn't help but ask "You know A-kun? A-kun?" (him being half Torukkojin and everything) and since we were red as that hot sauce on the tables our minds were working a bit slow.. and when she said "A-kun?" for the time it finally hit us "AAAH of course, A-kun!!!" and we smiled at each other and one of those three German girls asked us (btw, this reminds me, the customers are mainly foreigners..fangirls just like us XD Oh and btw, hello that group of German girls if you're a member of LJ and reading this :D ! ) "Kakkoi ne?~~" and since we weren't even able to talk properly anymore we quickly responded "Hai hai, so desu nee~~" and left the place as quickly as possible while bowing our heads and repeating "Arigatou gozaimasss" all the time XD
The whole thing was kinda embarrassing I know, but Koyamama is really nice and gentle and makes you feel okay so no problem with that. In fact, this year, I'll study Japan and when I go there once again I intend to chat with her just like those German girls with their perfect Japanese *fullofenvy* ! So yeah, if you're a Koyama fan, you should most definetly visit the place! Oh and one more thing, Koyamama is an X-Japan fan XD ... There was X-Japan's concert on the TV in there with a hide plushie next to it XD She's cool like that, yep ;) So I'll tell about the Ryo + Jin part on a second post since this one is quite long enough and I'll be posting that today too so there won't be any anxiious waiting or anything. And while I'm writing the next post, there you go with some of our photos from Koyamama's Ramen Shop under the cut! (Oh and since we're socially awkward-just as I've told you before- we've censored ourselves in the photos! Yeayz! Now you can enjoy the view more!)

That's shotax2 in front of the ramen shop's entrance.. Oh and there's a reason that I didn't censor that Eastpak XD But we'll get to that on the Ryo thing :D

Something that doesn't need much of an explanation but then again;  the entrance door! (what the hell is an entrance door?.. that's whole purpose of a door isn't it? Entrance? And exit?..)

Me and shotax2 waiting in the line.. some fangirls looking at us with hostile glares... we had no clue why..oh and Eastpak again..this time mine and with the color red!

Kata Yakisoba! My meal! Funny how the three of us adore Koyama's shoulders and shoulder in Japanese is "kata" ... Well lemme tell you a secret..that's the whole reason I've ordered it! Lame fangirlsm ftw!

This deliciousness belonged to shotax2.. She shall enlighten you about the whole flavors and such... All I could say at this point was that the portions were BIG

And this here belonged to pleiadess... She was able to finish her meal unlike the owner of that bowl with a 100 yen in it *cough*shotax2*cough*

Nope, those are not two Nazgûls discussing how hot Yamapi looks while waiting for Frodo to come out of the toilet after having one too many Ooolong Tea, that's me and pleiadess while I was probably chanting "Van in a mirriaaaan!"

A closer look to Yamapi's hotness... We thought that was the closest we could get to a Johnny-boy..once again WRONG (read the next know you want to..)

It says "Koyamama Fanart" over there in case you couldn't read that laptop mouse written red thing over there... Yeah she has her own fans... and she deserves it believe me...

This one says "Shige is hot" though you know that already... Have no clue about what does the Japanese writing says on the poster though :D !

That's shotax2 and lots of dirty plates.. You can also see the infamous "100 Yen Incident Bowl" in front of her~~

Not even gonna bother to explain this one...

And last but not least: shotax2! Totally amazed with her food with some fangirls on the background for decorative purposes (what did I say about my mad paint photoshop skillz? )
That's it for now! See you on the second post!

koyamama, nishikido ryo, trip to japan, koyama keiichiro

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