2012 Sassy Mini-bang Art Masterpost

Dec 12, 2012 17:10

Title: Strange and Beautiful
Challenge: sassy_minibang
Author: remivel 
Art Rating:  PG
Fic Masterpost

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bangs, sam winchester, my art, castiel

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Comments 5

quickreaver December 15 2012, 00:39:56 UTC
Sam looks kinda spiffy in da suit! Love the coloring, too. Fistbump, bb!


pro_kira December 15 2012, 05:25:07 UTC
aaahH!! this makes me happy okay. very happy.
and the moose chaarrmm!!


remivel December 16 2012, 16:32:20 UTC
Thanks so much for this. :) Have I told you how much I adore your art? I have? Oh well, then I'll just say it again: I LOVE YOUR ART. You were also the best kind of artist to work with, you made amazing art and you were so nice! You always gave updates so I was never in the dark with you. I always got your updates when I woke up. I looked through my emails on my phone while still in bed, and once I saw your email, I go from half-awake to squirming in excitement as I look at the latest WIP pic you gave me. I have no complaints at all. My only wish is that I somehow get the privilege to work with you again some time. :) And maybe I can watch more livestreams then.

Thank you again for choosing my fic. Happy Holidays~!


deadflowers5 December 24 2012, 13:09:55 UTC
This is so cute and great!


mandraco December 27 2012, 11:19:25 UTC
This is beautiful. =)


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