Title: The Third Day Author: Amm (ammchan) Written for: somnus_angel Fandom: The World Ends with You Pairing: Joshua/Neku Prompt: "Week 2, in Joshua's point of view" Wordcount: 800 Rating: K - suitable for everyone
He looked too normal, too. I was like "Where's your ridiculous accessory?" I mean, Shiki had the cat plushie, Neku and his 'phones, Beat and his Rhyme Noise... Joshua was weird from the get-go.
Comments 7
And...honestly, I didn't realize it was a bogus mission, my initial reaction was "OH SHIT D:" XD
Yeeesss, I thought the earrings would be a nice touch ;D I looked up the name of the item in my TWEWY Game Guide just so I could put it in there!
Haha, I didn't realize the bogus mission right away either. But I definitely had my suspicions. XD
This was really great, adding a bit of depth to the day without making it unbelievable. :D
Haha, yeah, Joshua always seemed so suspicious. Especially the way Neku was acting around him, I was like "D: I'M WATCHIN' JOO, PRETTY BOY!"
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