Title: Five More Minutes
Fandom: Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3
Characters: the female main character (Minako), Akihiko, Koromaru
Prompt: #33-too much
Word Count: 2,163
Rating: PG/K
Notes: Requested by
de-anon from
shirakawablvd. And as you probably already know, I do not own Persona 3 or its characters...sadly.
Little Damn Table:
Here ♥ (
Her life had become a balancing act, and she wondered if it wasn't getting to be a bit too much... )
Comments 9
*laugh* And I just saw your post on the P3 comm -- it looks like we're theme-prompt writing buddies! ^_~ If I didn't have this paper to write, I'd read your fic tonight, aaghh D: *flails and kicks schoolwork*
I usually don't like AkixMshe fanfics because people tend to write him OOC, but this fanfic was amazing. I can actually imagine Aki saying/doing these things. This has got to be my favorite AkixMshe fluff story I've ever read. ^^
And your icon is super adorable!
And thanks x3
I'm totally naming my dog Koromaru one day. But other than that this was cute. <3
I wish I had a guy friend like Akikhiko D:
And heeey you mentioned Koromaru in your prompt ;) Besides, he is adorable~ (I would totally name my dog after him, too haha)
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