
Dec 12, 2010 21:51

Title: Democracy
Fandom: Heroes
Rating/Genre: PG/slash, fluff
Characters/Pairing: Matt Parkman, Mohinder Suresh, Molly Walker, Peter Petrelli, Matt/Mohinder
Summary: All parents need some “alone time” away from their kids, and so do Matt and Mohinder. Mohinder has a great idea about what to do together.
Word count: 1 800
Spoilers/Warnings: No.
Notes: Oneshot not to be continued.

“Matt, I was thinking”, Mohinder said one night when Molly had gone to sleep, “why don’t we do something fun together, just you and me?”

Matt smiled at his lover, thinking about how much fun he had had since he realized just how easy and how wonderful it was to take his friendship with Mohinder to another level.

But by the eager, concentrated look on Mohinder’s face, Matt could tell that Mohinder was up to something; something that wasn’t that kind of fun. And, after all, Mohinder didn’t have to ask him like that if he had been talking about something that could be done with their bedroom door closed.

“Like what”, he asked, “like going out some night? Or something bigger, like a trip?”

Mohinder smiled and shook his head, and tried to blow away a black curl that fell down in his eyes.

“No”, he said, “I was thinking that we should find some kind of activity together - away from home, I mean. We could… We could dance. Take dance classes.”

What was that smile about? I know that you’re gonna say no, but please say yes!

“You’re kidding, right?”

“No, I’m serious. It would be fun.”

“No, it wouldn’t”, Matt objected and shook his head in amazement. “Where did you get that idea? I don’t dance. I can’t.”

“But that’s exactly why we should take classes - so we can learn.”

As he spoke, Mohinder leaned closer to Matt and put his hand on his wrist. Even such a light touch sent shivers of pleasure up Matt’s spine, but no; he was determined not to get manipulated by Mohinder’s warm skin and his soft, convincing voice. And besides…

“You’re forgetting something”, Matt said and turned his hand around so he could intertwine his fingers with Mohinder’s, “we’re gay, you know. Do you have any idea how ridiculous we’d look, compared to every other couple in the class - in the only hypothetic and imaginary class…”

“No, we wouldn’t.” Mohinder’s eyes were glowing because he loved a good discussion when he had a feeling that he was about to win it - and he always thought that he was winning, but not this time.

“Yes, we would.”

“No, we would not! We’re not ridiculous unless we think that we are. There’s no rule against gay dancing. Gay people dance, it’s a fact! The idea that we shouldn’t dance together because it would look ‘wrong’… no, seriously, Matt. Don’t accept heteronormativity.”

“I don’t, I’m not ashamed of us if that’s what you think, but…”

“And besides”, Mohinder cut him off, “we can go to a place where they have mixed couples, of queer only, if you prefer.”


“Yes, of course. So what do you say?”

Did this beautiful man who claimed to love him really think that he could get everything he wanted just by smiling and gently touching the palm of his hand with his fingertips?

“I say no!”

Matt pulled his hand away and stared at his lover, angrily, but Mohinder was persistent.

“Because you would hate it? But how do you know?”

Matt was thinking about the high school prom, and he knew. He thought about the very few occasions Janice had talked him into trying to dance - for example on their wedding day - and he knew. Of course, he had been a teenager at the prom, and later with Janice… well, maybe it could be different with Mohinder, because so many things were different with him. But he doubted it.

Not that he was too clumsy; after all, he wouldn’t have managed to get through police school if he were, but whenever it came to dancing… he felt clumsy, like he had two left feet; he felt embarrassed and ashamed of himself, and he hated that.

“If you want to do something”, he tried, “we could go fishing.”

“No…” Mohinder shook his head. “That’s not my thing. Camping and stuff…”

“But it’s fun!” Now it was Matt’s turn to lead the discussion. “We can do it with Molly. She would love it, this summer…”

“I’ll tell you what”, Mohinder interrupted with a somewhat evil grin, “if you really want to, we can go camping in the summer - if we start taking dance classes later this week. We’ll learn a lot before the summer.”

“And then we’ll do what? Dance in the tent? I don’t know, Mohinder…”

But Mohinder was unstoppable.

“Let’s ask Molly tomorrow if she thinks that dancing is a good idea.”

“No!” Matt was so horrified that he got up from the couch and started pacing up and down the room. “No, don’t say a word to Molly!”

Mohinder watched him, and when he passed the couch, he grabbed his arm and dragged him down, and held him.

Matt saw his opportunity of distracting his boyfriend.

“Don’t mention anything about dancing to Molly”, he said and kissed Mohinder between each word. Then he deepened his kisses and decided that the discussion was over and if asked later, he would claim that Mohinder’s soft ‘mhmm’ meant ‘okay’.

Mohinder soon started wriggling under him and was sitting up again.

“Yes”, he said, a little breathlessly but not much, “I will ask her. And if she agrees with me, then you’re finished, because you can’t fight the both of us. Majority wins.”

Matt stared at him.

“That’s unfair!”

“No, that’s democracy. Do you want me to go camping with you or not?”

This is unbelievable, Matt thought, it’s just crazy. He tried to think of a final argument.

“It is not democracy when you say something like that, it’s blackmailing.”

“But it’s true, none the less; Molly will agree with me…”

Mohinder paused, and sighed.

“Listen, Matt; I wouldn’t ask this of you if I didn’t think that you could learn to like it. Why can’t you just give it a try? If you really hate it, then say so, and we’ll stop. But not until we have tried a few times…”

“Okay.” Matt gave up. “You’re the boss, it seems. But only a few times.”

“That’s all I ask for”, Mohinder smiled and got up from the couch. He yawned a little and nodded his head suggestively towards the bedroom door.

“I’m not coming to bed with you if that’s what you’re thinking”, Matt snorted. “You can forget that.”

“So you’re staying out here tonight?”

Matt thought about it.

“No, this couch is no good to sleep on. I’ll come to bed… but the only thing I’ll do is to sleep. And possibly snore.”

“Okay”. Mohinder shrugged his shoulders elegantly and turned around. “If you say so. I just thought that you would have wanted to try to show me who the real boss is…”

Matt sniffed, and looked away.

Then he, too, got up from the couch, followed Mohinder, and closed their bedroom door.



At daytime, during weekdays, the place was a gym. In the evenings, dance classes took place in the aerobics room.

And one Saturday night, early in June, the place was crowded with people sitting on grandstands on both long sides of the room.

Molly cheered and jumped up from her seat, and tried to stand on the tip of her toes to see over the heads of the people who were standing up in front of her.

“Wow”, she smiled, “that was awesome - Matt and Mohinder were the best, don’t you think?”

“Yeah”, Peter agreed, “they were. I thought that seeing Matt Parkman dance jive would be surreal, but he was surprisingly good, I’m impressed.”

Molly nodded, her eyes glowing. Mohinder said that their dance teachers said that anyone who put their heart into it could learn to dance, but Matt had refused to practise at home, at least when Molly was around - she spent one evening every week with a neighbour, when they were at the gym - so she had to wait until the day of the final exams to see the result.

Matt had grunted and complained every week when he and Mohinder got back from their class, but Mohinder had reminded him of his promise to try it ‘at least a few times’, and eventually, Matt had complained less, and after some time he said that now that he had done it for so long, he could just as well keep going until the summer. And then they were going camping; he didn’t forget to keep reminding Mohinder about that, and Molly didn’t forget it either.

The summer came with a final show with all the couples from three different classes, and real professional judges were present to make it feel more serious, like a graduation. Matt had complained about that, but Mohinder said to Molly that Matt was just nervous because he wanted to excel - Mohinder said that Matt might not admit it, but he had actually started to like dancing.

Now, after the show, both Molly and Peter believed that it was true.

“Hey, you guys were the best!” they said in chorus as they met the two tired men backstage.

“Thanks”, Matt smiled, “I’m glad you think so - too bad the judges didn’t agree.”

“But”, Mohinder filled in, “to come in fourth is really not that bad for someone who said he hated dancing just a few months ago.”

“No, it’s not bad at all”, Peter said, “it’s great - I must admit that I think those girls in black and red dresses were worthy winners, but I was honestly impressed by what you two did.”

“You didn’t think I had it in me, did you?” Matt grinned. “Well, I proved you wrong. I’m glad you enjoyed the show. Thanks for taking care of Molly today, by the way.”

“Sure”, Peter answered, “any time. We had a great day; don’t you think so, Molly?”

Mohinder and Matt had been at the gym since early in the morning, so Molly had spent the day with Peter. He had first taken her to see the place where he worked, and that had made Molly think that she wanted to become a paramedic when she grew up. Then they went to a toy store, and then they had tea and cookies with Mrs. Petrelli.

“Oh, really, you did?” Matt looked surprised.

“Yeah”, Peter said, “I think she feels a little lonely these days. She misses having kids around; you know, Heidi doesn’t take the boys to see her very often…”

“I like her, and I think she likes me”, Molly told them. “Miss Jones next door isn’t so bad, but I like Mrs. Petrelli better - she doesn’t talk to me like I’m five years old, and she doesn’t make me play silly games.”

“Okay”, Matt said, “then maybe you and Mrs. Petrelli would like to spend more time together? Because I signed us up for more classes after the summer.”

The End.


character: peter petrelli, pairing: mohinder/matt, character: matt parkman, character: mohinder suresh, !fanfic, character: molly walker, rating: pg, length: oneshot, for cmarie972, *fandom: heroes

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