Title: Halloween In Japan
Fandom: Heroes
Rating/Genre: G/gen (slash)
Characters/Pairing: Matt Parkman Senior and Junior, Mohinder Suresh, Molly Walker, Hiro Nakamura, Ando, and a supernatural being; Matt/Mohinder (references to Janice; Hiro/Ando if you want to read it that way)
Summary: Time flies; Matty is already four years old and Molly is now a
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Comments 6
Didn't see that coming! Wow! How utterly fluffy and adorable! This thing melted my heart all over the place. ^_^
And you win big for this line:
“Other that that, you’re right - maybe we should give up having dinner together as a family, we’ll all sit down in different corners of the apartment with our laptops and communicate through Facebook. You’ll just have to teach Matty how to read first.”
I absolutely loved this fic. :) :)
Thank you very much, I'm so happy that you liked this - I thought that it was a bit too silly-fluffy... But fluff happens every time I write the M-family. :)
Haha, MMMMJAH! Mo, Mol, Matt, Matty Junior, Ando, Hiro! Mmmmjah~!
But still... *facepalm* A unicorn?
Waaaait a second. Aren't unicorns supposed to only come/be attracted to/brighten the souls of virgins? Does that mean that Hiro is...? o.o The things I think...
Your dark penguin!
(lol since you're my fluff bear, and I couldn't think of anything else...)
And I don't really know why I wrote this (the prompt was "Halloween + supernatural being"...) because unicorns are almost too fluffy things but... yeah, I don't know... And I admit that I didn't really think it through but I'll let you have your theories...
Dark penguin, really? I would have guess cat or something... ;)
I didn't know penguins are dangerous. But I've never thought about it... ;) I've also never thought much about animal-like personalities at all... except when I say that I'm a sheep because the dog treats me like one when he never leaves my side when strangers come to the house. ;) And I'm kind of relieved to hear that I'm not really a teddy bear. (But maybe I am just a little...)
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