Secret Visits

Jun 11, 2010 22:19

Title: Secret Visits
Fandom: Heroes
Rating/Genre: R/femslash
Characters/Pairing: Sandra Bennet/Angela Petrelli
Prompt: 002. Middles 100_women.
Summary: Sandra never hesitated when Angela gave her that look.
Word count: 947
Notes: Hey everyone; here’s the Sandra Bennet femslash you never knew you wanted… For lynchgrrrl88. This is not necessarily a sequel to Between Women but it can be read as such if you wish.

Sandra never hesitated when Angela gave her that look.

She knew that Angela’s first priority was to see Claire, to kiss her, ask her some questions, to chat with her quite friendly for a little while and to make her smile.

But Angela never lingered, because she knew that Claire wouldn’t remember any of it from one time to the other.

Sandra never hesitated to leave her children with the Haitian. He took them to the playground, watched over them, and made sure that no one who saw them remembered what they had seen. Sandra knew that her children were safe with him, because Angela trusted him, and Sandra trusted Angela.

Because of that, she wasn’t even ashamed that she almost forgot about the kids altogether once she was alone with Angela. It was because Angela demanded her full attention, and Sandra gave it to her willingly.

There were rarely any sweet, loving words involved in their lovemaking. Rarely any cuddling and dozing off together in bed. Their lovemaking was hot and greedy, sweaty.

No “I love you’s”, but there were rougher words sometimes. Sort of like short orders, uttered by Angela. Sandra loved it when Angela’s voice was thick and hoarse with lust. She complied. Except when she pretended to be unwilling, just to make Angela talk some more.

Sometimes, even Sandra’s scalp was sweaty.

Angela’s fingers dug deep into her hair, entangled in the golden curls, and Sandra’s fingers dug into the hips that were pressed against her face, demanding more and more. Sandra kneeled in front of her; she had been pushed down to the floor, but then it was she who pushed Angela back to the wall and held her pinned against it, and the way her mouth worked so greedily and she herself was soaking wet and shivering with pleasure, it was hard to tell who was the giver and who was the receiver of satisfaction.

Angela could make her loose all control. It didn’t matter if it was in her and Noah’s bed, on the carpet in the living room or in the kitchen, because the house was always empty at such times and Angela could have her way with her anywhere. Not knowing beforehand where it was going to be was part of the excitement.

Not knowing exactly when Angela was going to come to her was exciting.

Sandra never invited Angela, she never called her. But when Noah went away, that was when she started waiting. Sometimes when the doorbell rang unexpectedly, Angela and her follower were there.

Other times, Angela was already in the house when Sandra came in, after a shopping round or a walk with the dog. And the children were already gone with the Haitian. Sandra was glad that they seemed to like him - to trust him easily, every time for the first time - and then she thought no more of them as Angela started to undress her.

Angela’s silky black hair brushing against her body while her hot lips were all over her; Sandra used to dream about it, and often, she was already wet and ready to come the moment when Angela took her in her arms. She was weak with desire. Angela took care of her. Just as quickly and explosively as she wanted at those times. Sometimes, many weeks passed between Angela’s visits, and that made Sandra so impatient. Angela knew that, and sometimes she teased Sandra; made her do all kinds of things to her before she finally gave Sandra her relief. Other times, what Angela seemed to want to do the most was to make Sandra come hard and fast without even undressing herself first, without letting her hair down.

At those times, her eyes were burning with a dark fire, and Sandra wanted to say that she adored her, but she didn’t always say it. If she did, Angela usually repeated the word as a question:

“Do you adore me, Sandra?”

“Yes”, Sandra said, “yes!”

Angela liked to hear her say yes. And sometimes, she made Sandra tell her just how much she liked what she did to her.

“Go on”, Angela purred, and Sandra went on until she just couldn’t utter another word, until she was panting.

And somehow, even if Angela wasn’t always on top, she was always in control. Even when she seemed to lose it. Even when her body and mind was completely possessed by an orgasm or when she was shivering in the aftermaths, Sandra knew herself to be totally at the other woman’s mercy.

If one day Angela would stop coming to her; what was she going to do? She would have to hide her grief and longing. She couldn’t tell anyone, because no one knew. Not even Claire - “do you remember that nice lady who used to visit?” No, Claire wouldn’t remember. And Sandra didn’t have a number to call.

But Angela came to her. As if she, too, was in need of their fervent lovemaking, although she never said so. Sometimes, when a long time had passed without them being in touch, Sandra was feeling angry when Angela finally came, although she had never made any promises, and Angela said so, too.

“I will never make any promises for the future”, she said, “you will never get any wovs from me. But I promise you this: I want you now, I need you.”

And if the fervour was so hot that nails scratched a little deeper and lips left marks, that was when Sandra knew that Noah was going to stay away for a long time, and Angela was going to stay a bit longer than what she usually did.

for lynchgrrrl88, character: angela petrelli, prompt: 100_women, genre: femslash, !fanfic, length: oneshot, pairing: angela/sandra, rating: r, character: sandra bennet, *fandom: heroes

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