Poll I like! Me? I really like it. I find it so much cleaner and goooood lookin'. I signed up to beta it and liked it from the start.
In other news, I cannot, CANNOT, wait to sleep in tomorrow. OMG, it's going to be most awesome thing ever. Is it 4:30 yet? *cries*
As for last night's Supernatural...
Thoughts on 4.08 in here )
Comments 5
As for the eppy I thought that there were what I would call a lot of "missed opportunities". Especially at the end of the show when Sam and Dean were walking and talking. I'm a big angst/talking/touchy feely kind of gal so I wanted more talking and more exposition about how they're feeling. My friend just told me on the phone that she didn't think that we needed all that and that Dean doesn't want to talk about his time in Hell so he won't. I just don't like the way that that whole scene went down. It's a small quibble of mind. I didn't like the episode overall but next week and the week after look totally awesome so I'm keeping hope alive so to speak.
I hope that your day goes by quickly. I have a sinus headache and I'm about to do a headdesk at any moment. GAH!
The new profile lay out? I honestly didn't even notice it until you juyst mentioned it lol! How observant am I? Mucho!
In other news, I cannot, CANNOT, wait to sleep in tomorrow. OMG, it's going to be most awesome thing ever.
OMG you have no idea how much I gree with that statement! I'm so tiiiiiiiiired!! I slept right through my alarm clock this morning and woke up half an hour late, slept all the way on the train to work and then had to rummage randomly in the stockroom at 2pm in order to keep myself awake. I was literally just moving boxes around for no reason because I couldn't keep my eyes open!
It's my most favourite feeling in the world (other than orgasm of course) when you wake up naturally then just lay there for as long as you want, snuggly and warm.
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