May Flowers

May 02, 2010 19:38

We had our daffodils this year and they were gorgeous. I've got it now so that the entire little flower garden running along the east exterior wall of my house. The daffs are done for the season, so we've weed whacked them down and the kids and I planted zinnias, impatiens, sweet williams, and a couple of other things, then covered them with potting soil.

It was a lovely time with the kids, tidying up the flower bed enough to be able to plant. The kids and tylure raked up the rubbish from the flower bed and put it in a trash bag. Then we planted the seeds and I showed the kids how to plant the taller flowers in the back, and we covered it all with the topsoil we got.

Then husband pulled the hose around and we watered down the soil so none of it will blow away...and then Ben sprayed me with the hose. (I think that may have been because I sprayed him a bit as a prank.)

I think that we're going to have a lovely riot of color on that side of the house this summer...IF it grows despite the little sun there (we have precious little space that gets sun).

I'm hopeful and excited.

planting, flowers, kids

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