Character Meme

Mar 29, 2009 19:30

I owe a few people on a couple of older memes, but this will be a great way to procrastinate on some other things I'm needing to do.

So, Character Meme, last seen with yahtzee63

You give me a character from any fandom I'm familiar with, and I'll answer these questions --

01: Do you like this character?

02: What would you most like to change about this character?

03: What image do you associate with the character?

04: What song do you associate with this character?

05: What color do you associate with the character?

06: With whom would you ship this character? With whom would you NOT ship this character?

07: What do you think this character most needs to hear? Whom in that canon/universe is most likely to say it, if anyone? Would this character listen?

08: What is a dream you can imagine this character having?

09: What do you think this character wanted to grow up to be, when they were little?

10: What is something canon has never told us about this character's childhood?

fandom, meme

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