All I Want is a Coupla Days Off

Jul 04, 2005 13:29

Happy Fourth of July!!!
To all of the past, present and future military, thank you.

And now, to a recap of last night:
Dinner at the corner of Good Times and Good Food-- check.
Baseball game, which we won, followed by lovely fireworks-- check.
Getting to hang out with friends, and NOT having to get up for work the next day-- fabulous!

The original gang-- me, Mo, Jason and Nicola-- was joined by Nathan and Brandi at the game.  Then, we also saw Emily and Bo, and some other people from high school were there as well-- Section H was a small THS Reunion.

We finally got to see the Montgomery Biscuits in action.  Any team that is named after something edible is a team which must be seen.  Their mascot is-- a biscuit with a pat of butter for a tongue.  Only in Alabama, folks.

Mine and Mo's favorite player-- Mr. Casey Rogowski. 
What a great...personality :)

A very pregnant Brandi-- Fairlyn's due on the 31st.  In
four days, she will be full-term :)

The happy couple-- Nicola has decided to go ahead and move
to Birmingham from Minnesota.

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