Title: Another Sky Rating: PG-13 Fandom: Criminal Minds Universe: Zombie Cantos Characters/Pairing: Team - gen Genre: Horror/Drama Summary: Before the fall.
I have loved, loved, loved this series though it has been heartbreaking. I hate to see it end but you are ending it so well! I'm always interested in Reid but not sure you've left any threads hanging there. I will always wonder what comes next for the survivors, just a hint of that would be terrific. Maybe a flashforward? Whatever it is, I can't wait to read it.
You actually made me tear up here. This story is so good that it hurts. Guh. I think I'm a bit of an emotional wreck at the moment. Thank you for this brilliance. It has been quite a ride.
I too would love to find out how Reid fares. I'd also like to find out how Emily is doing with her mother and what happens to Jack. I'm really looking forward to the last chapter -- I'm sure it will be awesome.
Comments 4
You are brilliant. Thank you for sharing.
Cannot believe there's only one more chapter! This has been one hell of a ride.
I too would love to find out how Reid fares. I'd also like to find out how Emily is doing with her mother and what happens to Jack. I'm really looking forward to the last chapter -- I'm sure it will be awesome.
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