Title: The Horizon’s Edge Rating: PG-13 Fandom: Criminal Minds Universe: Zombie Cantos Characters/Pairing: Diana Reid - gen Genre: Horror/Drama Summary: In a mad world, only the mad are sane. Warnings: Minor Character Death
this is awfully sad, but at the same time it's a comfort to think that diana went out her own way, without losing herself. it's sadder to think that spencer doesn't have the same comfort of knowing what we readers know. as always, wonderful job.
I really enjoyed how you wrote this in a style that seems very her-the prose of it I mean. Also, her clarity and understanding of her illness when she's lucid seems like a terrible burden for her.
Comments 5
I'm operating on way too little sleep at the moment, and thus am probably highly emotional, but that just gutted me. Beautifully done.
this is awfully sad, but at the same time it's a comfort to think that diana went out her own way, without losing herself. it's sadder to think that spencer doesn't have the same comfort of knowing what we readers know. as always, wonderful job.
Thanks for sharing!
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