Title: Soul Serene
Rating: R
Fandom: Criminal Minds
Universe: Zombie Cantos
Characters/Pairing: Team - mostly gen, but slight M/P
Genre: Horror/Drama
Summary: Sometimes building the future comes at a cost. Sometimes, things happen for no reason at all.
Warnings: This chapter will contain *character death*
Zombie Cantos: Soul Serene )
Comments 15
Wow. That was powerful and heartwrenching. I'm not kidding about having tears in my eyes. Beautifully done (even though I hate you just a little bit right now). That is some emotional stuff.
you evil, brilliant, magnificent bitch. You realize you have me sitting here in the middle of my office ready to burst into tears, right?
Already, he knows that this future doesn’t belong to him. He’d helped built it, but he isn’t going to live long enough to bring the world into a new age.
This is very Biblical. Like Moses looking over the hill into Canaan, while it's Joshua who has to lead them the rest of the way.
And OH HOTCH. That even in the middle of the zombie apocalypse, he's never forgotten Haley. That he's not scared for himself, but for his family. And that he's strong enough to do what he does.
And OH EMILY AND JACK. The hardest thing in this world is to live in it.
If Dawn had to be part of Buffy, at least they gave her that moment (and also "Conversations With Dead People" but I digress.) Oh, "The Gift". *sniff* That sense was here too, with the nanosecond of peace Hotch received after pulling the trigger.
I am very admiring of the way you're writing all these; it inspired me with the Dragon'Verse (which I need to get my butt in gear on.) Though you'll now have to put a pre-/post disclaimer on them... *g*
This is awful and gorgeous and heartbreaking.
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