Title: A Nerd Thing
Rating: PG
Fandom: Criminal Minds
Universe: Born to be Mild (Part 1)
Characters/Pairing: Reid, Prentiss, Garcia, Morgan - gen
Genre: Humor
Summary: Sometimes their conversations aren’t exactly work related. Because really, what do zombies have to do with profiling?
Author's Note: Zombie Apocalypse fic - y/n?
A Nerd Thing )
Comments 39
I'm right there with Prentiss, Garcia, and Reid trying to figure out the best means of survival. Though I still maintain tree houses might be the way to go.
Thanks for sharing!
I like the idea of using boats, because by being on the move all the time, you get some sense of freedom. The trick, of course, is finding a way to become self-sufficient.
The self-sufficiency thing is really the key
I will concede that the height of tree-houses could make for good defense, providing the thicket of trees isn't too big. Have someone with a sniper rifle sitting in a sentry tower, picking off any zombies that come within distance. It's like a Panopticon, almost (there's Bentham again). And a land-based fortress would probably be better for self-sufficiency, being that it might be difficult to grow plants properly on a boat; you'd need much more science.
Yeah, I think about this a lot too :(
"We can make it all profilery for you" The only think missing from this conversation is Hotch.
Hotch and zombies...I can just see that takedown. It involves dual-wielding badassery.
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Thanks for commenting.
love how Emily's all smooth about her reply.
made of awesomeness.
Glad you enjoyed, and thanks for commenting.
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