[Stargate: Drabble] "And Many More" [Lorne/Parrish, G]

Mar 21, 2020 03:52

Title: And Many More
Author: Ami Ven
Rating: G
Word Count: 400
Prompt: very late birthday present for sexycazzy
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Pairing(s): Evan Lorne/David Parrish
Summary: “I shouldn’t expect to have the day off for my birthday.”

And Many More

“I’m sorry, lad,” said Carson, with genuine sympathy. “I’ll get these tests run as soon as possible.”

“I am an adult,” Evan said to himself, as the doctor left. “I shouldn’t expect to have the day off for my birthday.”

“Maybe next year, you shouldn’t schedule Colonel Sheppard’s team to be off-world on your birthday,” suggested David, coming around the infirmary curtain.

Evan smiled. “I’ll keep that in mind. But what are you doing here? It’s almost midnight, you should be asleep.”

“My bed was empty,” said David. “And I already missed spending most of your birthday with you.”

“And I’ll probably be stuck in the infirmary for the rest of it,” said Evan. “You don’t have to stay.”

“No, I don’t,” David agreed, and hopped onto the gurney beside him.

Evan thought about arguing and decided against it, leaning sideways to rest his head on David’s shoulder. “Okay.”

“Not the enthusiasm I was looking for, but I’ll take it,” the botanist said. “I heard Rodney ranting when I came in - I assume you found the colonel’s team okay?”

“Yeah,” said Evan. “They’d fallen through into a shallow cave system, that they couldn’t get out of. And something in the mountains blocked their radio signals. Also, the energy readings McKay had been tracking turned out to be some kind of geological sensor, so he’s not happy.”

“But every one’s okay?”

“Yeah,” he repeated. “A few scrapes and bruises, but the cave had some stagnant water we all walked through, so Beckett needs to run some tests.”

“You’re not contagious?” David asked.

The major laughed. “It’s kinda too late for you if I am.”

“Well, in that case…”

They were still kissing a few minutes later, when Carson came around the curtain and cleared his throat loudly.

“Hey, doc,” said Evan.

Carson smiled. “Your test results have all come back clear, major. I’m sending you with some antibiotics, but the best thing now would be to get some rest. Dr. Parrish, I’m sure you can see to that.”

David grinned. “Of course, Dr. Beckett.”

“Off with you, then.”

Evan slid off the gurney, smiling. “So,” he said, when they were alone, “Do you think there’s still enough time for me to open one present?”

“But all your presents are in my office and I’m supposed to take you - Oh.” David laughed. “You mean me.”

“Always,” said Evan, and kissed him again.


Current Mood:


lorne/parrish, gift, birthday, drabble, stargate atlantis

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