[Stargate: Drabble] "First Birthday Party" [John/Rodney, G]

Aug 26, 2019 03:49

Title: First Birthday Party
Author: Ami Ven
Rating: G
Word Count: 300
Prompt: (very late) birthday present for goddess47
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Pairing(s): John Sheppard/Rodney McKay
Setting: part of my How About Forever verse
Summary: “I just don’t see the point of a birthday party for a baby.”

First Birthday Party

“I just don’t see the point of a birthday party for a baby,” Rodney grumbled. “Do you remember your first birthday party?”

“Nope,” said John, not looking up from where he and Zoe were playing with blocks on the floor. “Do you remember Torren’s first birthday party?”

“Of course I do. Teyla was still mad at me for falling asleep during the naming ceremony.”

“And Charin’s?”

“That was four months ago, Sheppard, of course I remember.”

“A kid’s first birthday party isn’t for the kid,” said John. “It’s for everybody else. All the friends and coworkers and extended family who hadn’t really had a chance to see the kid yet.”

Rodney frowned. “Everyone on Atlantis has had a chance to meet Zoe. You carry her around everywhere.”

“That’s beside the point, McKay. And since when are you anti-party, anywhere?”

“I’m not!” Rodney protested. “I just… I want her to have a normal childhood, you know? But also, I know she can’t, because her mother is also a man and we all live in an Ancient floating city, so…”

John laughed and reeled him in for a kiss. “Zoe will grow up fine, not because we give her every milestone a kid should have or because we live in Atlantis - she’ll grow up fine because she’s got all these people who love her.”

“Fine,” said Rodney, flopping back to lean against the couch. “Be sappy and logical. Plan a party for a child who’s barely able to form words or long-term memories.”

Zoe crawled close enough to pull herself into Rodney’s lap. “Da!”

John laughed. “You tell him, Zee.”

“Da!” she repeated.

Rodney sighed. “I suppose you want me to be charming and gracious at this stupid party.”

“No more than usual,” said John, and leaned over to kiss him again.


Current Mood:


how_about_forever, gift, birthday, drabble, john/rodney, stargate atlantis

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