Title: Could Be Nicer
Rating: G
Word Count: 169
this prompt over at
comment_fic (from way back in 2011)
Fandom: Stargate SG-1
Pairing(s): Sam Carter/Jack O’Neill
Setting: vaguely post Season 8
Summary: Sam and Jack are both injured, but that’s okay.
Could Be Nicer
It was their luck that the first time they had off together in weeks was enforced medical leave. At least Sam could claim she'd been injured in the line of duty- she'd had a nasty run-in with a patch of thorny bushes on PX-something-or-other. All Jack had done was fall down a flight of stairs at the Pentagon.
Still, the end result was both of them sitting on the couch in his living room, trying not to aggravate Sam's irritated skin or Jack's bruised ribs.
“So,” Jack said. “This is nice.”
Sam snorted a laugh against his shoulder.
“Okay, it could be nicer,” he admitted. “But you’re here, I’m here. You survived the deadly pricker bushes of PX-whatever, I survived not taking the elevator… Besides, any day I can touch you is a good day.”
She smiled. “How do you manage to sound so ridiculous and so sweet at the same time?”
Jack grinned. “It’s a talent.”
“Yes, it is,” Sam agreed and leaned up - carefully - to kiss him.
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