[Stargate: Drabble Series] "Lantea Fire Station" [John/Rodney]

Aug 22, 2018 02:38

The continuing adventures of the Lantea Fire Station (vaguely set in the firemen!AU SG-1's episode "The Changeling")

Lantea Fire Station

01. Perfect Timing
G...850 words
for mcsheplets prompt 057 'just in time'
John is a firefighter who just moved to Hawaii and Rodney is a visiting scientist who just got rescued from a burning lab.

02. More Reason
G...450 words
for mcsheplets prompt 219 'fresh start'
The strangest thing about the island of Lantea was that everybody liked him.

03. Three-Alarm
G...350 words
birthday present for melagan
John gets called to a fire.

04. All-Nighter
G...500 words
for mcsheplets prompt 266 'fire'
John and Rodney had been up all night, for different reasons.

05. Municipal Maintenance
G...500 words
for mcsheplets prompt 287 'busted again'
The fire alarm at the Lantea Municipal Building is broken. Again.

06. An Invasion of Scientists
G...300 words
for mcsheplets prompt 294 'invasion'
Rodney is unusually excited about an upcoming event on Lantea Island.

07. Binary Orbit
G...400 words
for mcsheplets prompt 296 'the other side of the deadline XII' (276 'anxious' & 288 'home')
Rodney had been nervous for months, since he’d sent the e-mail inviting Jeannie and her family to Lantea Island for the Christmas holidays.

Current Mood:


series, drabble, john/rodney, lantea_fire_station

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