[Stargate: Drabble] "Pushing Through" [SG-22, G]

Jul 05, 2017 22:54

Title: Pushing Through
Prompt: writerverse challenge 28 December table of doom, prompt 21 ‘broken & bloody’
Word Count: 951
Original/Fandom: Stargate SG-1 ( SG-22, original characters)
Warnings: mildly-graphic descriptions of injuries
Summary: Gryff is wounded, but still rescues her team.
Note(s): originally posted to the writerverse wv_library

Pushing Through

Every inch of her hurt.

Gryff had always thought that was just an expression, a hyperbole, but now she knew it was absolutely true. Her head throbbed, her muscles ached and even her eyelashes felt a little sore.

She blinked and found that only one eye opened properly. Gryff remembered a blow to the head just as she passed out, so she must have been out long enough for her left eye to swell almost shut. Her nose seemed to be broken, it the low whistle with every breath was any indication, which was probably also the source of the blood she could taste.

It was fairly dark, but as her good eye adjusted, Gryff could see that she was in a stone tunnel, just like the rest of the naquadah mine where they’d been for the last week. She couldn’t hear any movement - either active mining or guard patrols - so she must been dumped in an unused corner someplace.

Gryff took a long steadying breath and sat up.

Her ribs protested immediately, the ache ratcheting up to a throb as the pounding in her head spiked and leveled out again. Without thinking, she brought both hands up to her temples, and barely suppressed a yelp as a flair of pain radiated up her left arm. She’d thought that the initial lack of pain meant she hadn’t broken anything, but sitting up had apparently opened the half-formed scab over a deep gash on her forearm.

Swearing under her breath, Gryff fumbled in her pockets for a handkerchief and pressed over the wound. That seemed to be her only major injury, so Gryff tied the makeshift bandage in place and got shakily to her feet. She swayed, dangerously light-headed, and grabbed the wall for support.

The floor where she’d been lying had an alarmingly large smear of blood - between her nose and her arm, she had clearly lost more than a human person really had to spare if she was planning any kind of heroics, but there wasn’t much she could do about that now.

Gryff carefully pushed away from the wall, moving slowly until she was sure she could keep her feet under her. The chamber she was in lead to an equally-empty corridor. She’d always been pretty good at mazes, so she chose to turn left and continue on. Each new tunnel was also deserted - until Gryff heard clanking footsteps and ducked out of sight.

Peering around the corner, she saw two armored Jaffa guards go into a side chamber and come out again without most of their armor or their staff weapons.

Score, thought Gryff, The armory, and waited until they were gone before she darted inside.

There was no sign of any Earth-made equipment, so she helped herself to two zat guns, which fit into the cargo pockets of her BDU pants, and a staff weapon, which did not. Energy weapons instead of projectiles were probably a good idea in small spaces like in a naquadah mine, but she did wish she’d been able to find a radio or a GDO.

It was a fairly small mining operation/prison camp, so Gryff wasn’t surprised not to see any more guards as she crept through the empty corridors. The third doorway that she cautiously approached turned out to be a medium-sized carved chamber. A large Jaffa - Hecate’s new First Prime - stood with his back to her, while half-a-dozen more guards held their staff weapons trained on three familiar figures.

Gryff weighed her options. She had the element of surprise, but also all of the weapons currently in human hands. With her arm injured, she’d never be able to toss the ‘zat guns to her teammates, but she also didn’t like the odds of starting anything with the rest of them unarmed.

She smiled as an idea came to her.

It was tricky, getting both zats out of her pocket and onto the ground without making any noise. She almost didn’t make it back upright again and had to lean heavily on her stolen staff weapon for several long moments before her head stopped spinning. Then, she straightened, took as deep a breath as she could, and stepped out into the open.

“Fire in the hole!” Gryff yelled.

The First Prime whirled and she fired, catching him square in the chest, as she simultaneously kicked the two zat guns into the room.

Toby and Jason had reacted immediately to her shout, pulling Levi out of the way of retaliatory fire from the guards. Jason caught one of the zats as it skittered past, downing two Jaffa then handing it to Levi and snatching up a fallen staff weapon. Toby ducked a shot from another guard and dived for the second zat. He rolled to his feet and stunned two more of the Jaffa, as Gryff managed to raise her staff weapon again and took out the last guard.

There was a long moment of silence.

“Gryff?” said Toby.

“Hello, boys,” she said, and promptly collapsed.


They’d been too far away to actually catch her, but Toby helped her sit up again. “How bad is it?”

Gryff considered. “Busted nose,” she said. “Cut on my arm. Ribs are… sore, maybe broken, but I don’t think so.”

“Okay. Can you walk?”

“Think so,” said Gryff. “Maybe not alone.”

“We can work with that, sir,” said Jason. “They’ve been clearing this place out. The lieutenant and I can probably handle the few guards that are left.”

“Okay,” she said. “Toby, you take point. Levi, with me. Jason…”

He picked up her stolen staff weapon, and grinned. “I’m on it, sir.”

Gryff grinned back and let Levi help her up. “Okay, boys. Let’s go home.”


Current Mood:


drabble, stargate, sg-22, writerverse

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