[Avengers: Drabble] "Worth the Wait" [Steve/Tony, G]

Aug 26, 2016 22:23

Title: Worth the Wait
Prompt: writerverse challenge #04 BINGO table of DOOM! prompt #18 ‘all that I’ve waited for’
Rating: G
Word Count: 210
Original/Fandom: Avengers (part of my MCU Happy Verse)
Pairings: Steve Rogers/Tony Stark, past Steve/Peggy
Summary: “Things were more concentrated, during the war.”
Note(s): originally posted to the writerverse wv_library

Worth the Wait

“I did love Peggy, you know,” said Steve, softly, in the dark.

They were sitting on the roof of Stark Tower, on the edge of the platform that held Tony’s armor machines, and looking out over the city. It was a crisp fall night, so they’d brought mugs of hot chocolate and several blankets, bundling together against the side of the building.

“I don’t know if I was in love with her,” Steve continued. “We didn’t… Things were more concentrated, during the war. We never knew if we’d live through the day, and the way things were… I could have had a future with Peggy, when the war ended.”

“Yeah,” Tony said, just as softly. He could see it, too - Steve would have come home a hero, then probably retired, gone to art school on the GI bill, had a couple of kids with Peggy and been a fantastic father.

“But,” Steve said, after a long moment, “if I had known that all this was waiting, if I’d known that you were waiting… I don’t think I’d have been so scared of going in the ice.”

“I’m sure you’d have been just as happy unfrozen, Capsicle,” said Tony.

Steve smiled, and leaned in to kiss him. “Of course I wouldn’t.”


Current Mood:


drabble, mcu_happy_verse, steve/tony, avengers, writerverse

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