[Original: Drabble] "Not Fair But Better" [Zeke Jones, G]

Apr 22, 2016 22:10

Title: Not Fair But Better
Prompt: writerverse challenge #10 present tense
Word Count: 217
Rating: G
Fandom or Original: original ( Zeke Jones ‘verse)
Summary: “Life is not fair.”
Note(s): originally posted to the writerverse wv_library

Not Fair But Better

Surprisingly, I don’t think about being a vampire very often. I guess when you get used to something, you can just ignore it after that- I keep a pint of blood in my fridge, but I don’t give it any more consideration on a daily basis than the pint of milk beside it.

Being young is probably part of it, too. Vampires usually live for several hundred years, but I’m still plain old twenty-nine, with no more life experience than a human. Maybe when I’m as old as Howell, and putting the correct number of candles on my birthday cake means alerting the fire department, I’ll have a different perspective on life, but for now, it honestly doesn’t cross my mind.

Except for when it does.

“Life is not fair,” my partner informs me, bluntly, putting a mug of tea in front of me as I sit at his kitchen table.

I take a tentative sip, noting the sharp taste of whiskey he’s slipped into it- I must have looked worse than I feel.

“But,” continues Howell, sitting opposite me with his own mug. “It does get better.”

I take another ship and feel the warmth seep into me. “Thanks, sir,” I say, and manage a smile.

Howell doesn’t smile back, but I know what he means.


Current Mood:


drabble, original fiction, zeke_jones, writerverse

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