[Avengers: Drabble] "A Lot Like Christmas" [G]

Mar 08, 2016 02:21

Title: A Lot Like Christmas
Author: Ami Ven
Prompt: (very, very, very late) Christmas present for eska818
Rating: G
Word Count: 300
Fandom: Avengers (MCU/movie ‘verse- happy no Civil War AU)
Character(s): Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes, team
Summary: Steve and Bucky arrange an old-fashioned Christmas surprise.

A Lot Like Christmas

“You know,” said Bucky, “I thought the future was supposed to give everybody more free time.”

“That’s what I thought, too,” Steve agreed. “Remember the Stark Expo?”

“Yeah. This Stark’s even crazier than his old man,” Bucky snorted. “Back when we were kids, everybody got Christmas off, no matter what. I don’t think people nowadays even slow down, and… What?”

Steve was grinning. “I had a great idea, Buck. Gonna need your help.”

“Need more than my help,” the other man grumbled, but he followed him anyway.


“Sir,” said JARVIS, as soon as Tony had arrived back at the Tower from a very long, very boring shareholders meeting, “Your presence is requested in the main living area.”

“By who?” he demanded.

“I am not at liberty to say,” his AI replied.

Tony scowled, but got into the elevator. A few floors up, he was joined by Clint and Bruce, then Natasha, Thor and Phil. Pepper was waiting for them in the hallway.

“Pep?” he asked.

She shook her head, grinning. “I don’t know, Steve and Bucky wouldn’t say a word. But now that you’re all here, we can find out.”

JARVIS opened the door, and they all stopped short just inside.

A live tree stood at one end of the room, draped with strings of popcorn and cranberries, dotted with origami ornaments and paper stars, dripping with silver tinsel and topped with a gleaming tin star. The mantle and windowsills were decorated with fresh-cut pine boughs and sprigs of holly, electric candles at the windows and stockings over the fireplace- store-bought, but with each person’s name clearly hand-stitched.

“Old-fashioned Christmas,” said Clint, grinning.

“It looks wonderful, gentlemen,” Phil put in.

Steve grinned. “It wasn’t quite like this, back then,” he admitted.

“Yeah,” added Bucky. “We’ve got more family now.”


Current Mood:


gift, christmas, drabble, avengers, 2016

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